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Annuals to Grow Again
Posted: 07 Aug 2007 Posted: 07 Aug 2007 Posted: 16 Jul 2007 Posted: 10 Jul 2007 Posted: 09 Jul 2007 All Entries |
I Hate Love Bugs!They are SWARMING in my area right now! You can't go outside without having them ALL over you. They seem to be attracted to the weirdest stuff too. My husband just finished staining a pergola that we built and they are all over the stain in huge quantities. The above picture is a clump of them near our French doors. We tried to eat breakfast under our new pergola and it was a disaster! More about lovebugs? On a happier note....I am THRILLED that my echinacea has opened: It smells so sweet too! Nora Barlowe columbine has first EVER... I just got my order of Black Knight butterfly bushes....they are so nice. I've found this excellent seller on eBay. Everthing I've bought from him is in fantastic condition and seems to transistion well. I got a Black Knight from another seller and it was kind of wimpy in comparison. I ended up spending $1.95 a bush for the good ones and $3.99 for the wimpy one...go figure. So now I have 9 butterfly bushes....can't wait until they are big, blooming, and burgeoning with butterflies! This is what the flowers WILL look like: oooooh, I can't wait! Last edited: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:37 am This blog entry has been viewed 735 times
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Ugh, what a nightmare! Do they get like that every year? Seems we get a plague of something different every summer, the year of ladybugs wasn't bad, but having streets paved with tent caterpillars, ick!
Yeah, but this year seems worse than usual. They don't bite or sting, but they just hang all over everything. Boy, I sure wish I could trade them for ladybugs! They won't be around too much longer. It is usually only bad for about a month.
Oh dear I don't fancy your love bugs much!! Boy am I glad we don't get them here.
I lived in Florida for 5 years. I hate love bugs too!. The name is very fitting in that you never see just one, huh?
Eileen, you are very lucky not to get them! They are very irritating!
It seems like some years they are worse than others, we have had any yet. They like light colored stuff. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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