Busy at the feeder !
Bird Brain Blog | Posted:
Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:33 pm
Even though it's cold, 19 deg F. the sun is out and not a lot of wind. Chunk is on the ground catching cast off seeds and cracked corn. With him are Juncos, sparrows and a few Goldfinch. Up on the feeder are Nuthatches and Chickadees. On the suet block the Downey Woodpeckers are busy. The Tufted Titmouse is making raids on the peanut basket and will have it empty by noon. A Bluejay, the bully of the yard swoops in and scatters everyone including Chunk. He runs up the tree. The Jay leaves and Chunk is the first one to return. I have to laugh when something spooks the birds. The Juncos and Sparrows fly up under the deck. That's where they live in the winter. The Goldfinch fly down to the wood pile and set in some of the dead limbs. The Chickadees and Titmouse just fly up into the tree. After a couple of minutes they all come back. Then it starts all over again. It is so comical watching them.
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