Slowing down.
Bird Brain Blog | Posted:
Mon May 02, 2011 1:50 pm
Action at the feeder has been slowing down. I ran out of sunflower seeds, and put that feeder away. I did hang a seed block out and am waiting for them to polsih that off. The Goldfinches have returned to the woodland for their normal feeding. One the seed block is gone, I will suspend feeding until late fall. I don't want the birds to become reliant on my feeding them year around. Late May, I will start putting my Hummingbird feeders up.
This morning I saw a different kind of Sparrow on the ground under the feeder. I looked it up and it was a White Crested Sparrow. A very white little tuft on top of his head with a grey chest and belly. Brown wings and back. They do appear in this area but are not common. Their primary area is Northern Californis, Oregon and Washington State. Their range then filters down into the Rocky Mountain area. I wonder if he may have gotten blown in during some of the recent storms that we have had. This one is on the eastern limit of his possible area.
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