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Red-faced and ashamed
Posted: 19 Nov 2010 Posted: 29 Apr 2009 Posted: 17 Apr 2009 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 Posted: 15 Jul 2008 All Entries |
The lesson I have learntI have learnt my lesson - the hard way. Last time I could Stew was when I stated by new blog and my son just left after his visit. Naturally I had a lot of catching up to do in both the garden, which was beginning to look and feel neglected, and running, swimming, and not to mention stewing with the stewbies. With no one at home at the time, I thought that I would start by deadheading the roses, and cleaning up around the Zantedeschias. Thus I set out on my garden rehab quest, armed with my little bin, wearing my garden gloves and a new pair of open secateurs in my hand. Just as I was making my way out of the kitchen, my ankle gave way and I started falling and could not stop and break my fall. When I looked down, I just saw the blade of the secateurs lodging itself in my lower right arm. With no one at home, but myself, I wrapped up my arm and called my sister who lives in another suburb not too far, say about 10 minutes drive, away from me, she then drove me to hospital. It is quicker than calling for an ambulance and having to wait on them. At the hospital they fixed me up with 7 staples all along the inside of my right arm about 10 centimeters up from my wrist. Gosh, the doctors told me it was a hairs breadth away from the main tendons and arteries. Then only it struck me, what if?! Alas, that is why I have been absent. Every time I tried to it pulls on the staples. The staples came out yesterday. It serves as a good warning... I should never have had the secateurs open in my hand carrying a little bin with my garden gloves on. When I stepped out of the kitchen into that back yard, on the little step, the dogs left some of their toys and that is what caused my fall. So, that's my news and the lesson that I learnt the hard way, and why I have been away from the forum, which I have missed. Last edited: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:11 am This blog entry has been viewed 795 times
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Good Grief, Palm!!!!
Gosh I thought your were just busy getting ready for Christmas and then with the festive season itself. If I have to carry anything sharp out into the garden then I make a little 'hood' to cover the blades - not much use to you now though worst luck. I really hope your arm heals well and that you don't have any problems with it in the future. You were certainly lucky you didn't do more damage to yourself. It's lovely to have you back again PalmTree and posting here at The Stew.
Wow Palm, sorry to hear about your accident *shock* It could have been much worse but it certainly doesn't sound too pleasant as it is. Thanks for sharing your story as it may save someone the same misfortune.
Sounds like you learned the hard way! And I think I'll be thinking about that when I'm gardening again...I can be quite careless. In fact I once put a picthfork thru the end of my boot thankfully missing my toes.
Glad to see you back Palm Tree, sorry to hear about the reason you were away from us. I was hoping you got a chance for a last minute vacation trip or something fun.
Glad you have recovered and returned. I don't know your age, but I am in my 40's and a fall itself is rough on the body let alone a stabing injury.
Now what did you go and do that for! I have missed you very much, I've wondered about what you've been up to and I'm glad you are back. The saying goes "Whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger", and I hope that's true for you too. Be careful from now on, please?
Oh, I'm glad you are healing enough for the staples to come out. I guess you didn't get your garden work done. It's too bad we can't all pitch in and help. Virtual gardening? My biggest garden mistake is trying to get it all done in one day and ending up with aches and pains for the next week. Hope it doesn't give you more aches. dooley
Good gosh ,I'm sorry to hear about your hard lesson.I'm glad you are healing as well as you are and glad you are back with us.
Gosh I really missed all of you.
Yike!! o_O Poor PalmTree!!
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