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Red-faced and ashamed
Posted: 19 Nov 2010 Posted: 29 Apr 2009 Posted: 17 Apr 2009 Posted: 10 Feb 2009 Posted: 15 Jul 2008 All Entries |
And the lesson continuedAnd the lesson continued I did more wrong things, I found out later. Since this was my first ever accident / injury / mistake with a pair of secateurs, I removed the secateurs. The wound opened wide, tissue and blood oozing out. I moved real fast - ran to the bathroom, grabbed a clean towel and wrapped the towel tightly around my arm and then made the phone call to my sister. I was told afterwards that it is best to leave the secateurs in since there was no bleeding while the secateurs was lodged in my forearm. I did not know that and the consequence of my ignorance was a lot of red stuff everywhere. My dear sister cleaned up for me when she brought me home from the hospital. It was not too painful - in fact painkillers made me feel "Comfortably Numb" (I cannot resist this one Frank). The shock was however, well "shocking" I had nightmares for quite a while always waking up still seeing the secateurs lodged in my arm. Fortunately the nightmares also stopped now. I was so relieved when the staples got removed. I could not do anything without the effort pulling on the staples and the risk of infection is much less now. So the garden is a mess, but like Sjoerd advised, "the garden can wait". Besides Stewing will make me feel better too. This blog entry has been viewed 573 times
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Ouch! Poor thing. I would have removed those secateurs too, probably on instinct not thought. At least now you know if anything similar happens again, which I hope it won't.
Ouch! Again let me say that it is good to mention 'little' details like this Palm as it could just save someone a lot of pain and distress.
I'm so glad that you hadn't hit a main artery or vein when you had your accident and pulled the secateurs out!!! I was taught (when training to be a vet nurse) never to remove any kind of object lodged in a wound but I have to admit that instinct takes over when it happens to yourself and you pull the offending object out without even thinking of the possible consequences. You did the right thing in wrapping it up tightly as it probably stopped any infection setting in.
Eileen, you are a lady of many talents - vet nurse, organic gardener, etc.
Oh, wow, Palm Tree...considering what happened it is no surprise that you had nightmares. Glad they are gone now.
I would have pulled the object out too. It is a scary thought of what could have been the worst scenario. What a nice loving sis that you have.
Now, how could you have made a phone call with those things hanging out of your arm? Sometimes the best thing to do isn't the most practical thing to do. I would have pulled them out, too. I'm glad you have those staples out. Does it look like a railroad track on your arm? I had staples in my neck when I had thyroid surgery many years ago and it left those little dots on either side of the scar so it sort of looks like a railroad track. I'm glad it's healing for you without problems. dooley
Just keep taking good care of yourself,
Thanks everyone
I am so glad you are doing ok and getting better.You are one lucky lady Palm Tree.I'm glad your healing so well. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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