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Getting things ready
Posted: 22 Mar 2008
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Getting things ready

Category: March | Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:27 pm

I finally got to feeling better about mid morning an thought I'd get out an try to get some things done. You know how you feel like if you could throw up you'd feel better but can't. When I laid down last night it hit me all at once. But I feel better now, just hungry.

Yesterday coming back from getting DD from school there was a farmer selling produce from the back of his truck an I bought some rutabagas, tomatoes, an red new potatoes. Got home an got the rutabagas cleaned an cut up with the greens that will be cooked for tonights supper. DH is picking up some chicken an of course I'll fix cornbread.

Back to the garden, I raked up all the leaves from the pathways of the garden an added some to the compost pile, got the pile turned an burned 2 large piles of leaves. Never woulda thought there would be that many leaves. Still not done raking, but it does look better. Got the soil turned in 3 beds an part of another.

This morning I had gotten all my seedling trays outside so they could harden off an counted 145 tomatoe plants. Still have some to bump up, will need to give some away. No room for all those. I struggled last year to find room for the 114 plants. I still have a lot to do out there b4 planting can be done, but I'll get there slowly but surely. I know tomorrow is out, will be egg hunting with the grandkids. Happy Easter everyone.

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glendann wrote on Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:02 am:

I'm sorry you have been ill.I hope you cantinue to feel better.
You did get lots done outside anyway.Happy Easter to you too.


Droopy wrote on Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:53 am:

Wow! 145 tomato plants, that's an awful lot of them. I hope you can find good homes for the ones you can't grow yourself.

trudy wrote on Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:38 am:

Thanks, I'm feeling much better today. I'm sure I can find homes for them, I'll take them into work or something. My coworkers are always wanting plants.


SongofJoy57 wrote on Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:44 am:

Hope you are feeling better. There has been some type of bug going on here also. I was feeling weak yesterday about mid morning, but started feeling better. Your fresh veggies sound wonderful!!! I have never eaten rutabagas. Are they good? Sounds like you will have plenty of tomatoes. You may have to open your own roadside stand! Happy Easter & many blessings.

trudy wrote on Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:35 pm:

Thanks Song, a coworker came into work on Wed. not feeling good an I had no choice but to be near him. He finally went home after about 3 hrs. Said his girlfriend had been with a virus for 4 days. DUH! So I guess he thought he would be in the clear!

Anyway, the rutabega with the top greens were delicious. I wound up fixin the new potatoes (roasted in the oven) with some shallots, rosemary, EVOO an a touch of salt. I just couldn't resist those tators on my counter, just had to cook some. And of course fried Chicken an cornbread. Yumm!

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