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Bee Careful

Category: Lavender | Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:00 pm

Nature is really amazing. It is interesting to me that the spider looks so much like the inside of the buttercup. I'll bet if the bee had it to do over again he would have picked a different buttercup. Funny, that's how life is sometimes. Until next time. Lavender Up!

Purple Ranch Hand

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eileen wrote on Tue May 13, 2008 9:24 pm:

We have spiders here too that can mimic the colour of the flowers they hunt on so that any unsuspecting insect that lands on the plant then becomes a potential meal. Isn't Mother Nature wonderful?!! I sometimes find myself going into the garden to do some pruning and ending up watching different insects instead. There's a whole miniature world in our outside areas that most people aren't even aware of.

BTW that is a beautiful buttercup. I've never seen anything but yellow ones before. Do they grow wild where you are or is it a cultivated species? If it is do you know its name please so that I can see if they are available to buy here in Scotland?


Purple Ranch Hand wrote on Tue May 13, 2008 9:31 pm:

They do grow wild here. Interesting you would ask that. This year for the first time we have some white ones too. I will find the answer to your questions. Thanks for responding. I too get caught up in the other world out there. I didn't see these things till I started taking photographs. I love it.
Until next time. Lavender Up!

Purple Ranch Hand


Droopy wrote on Tue May 13, 2008 9:40 pm:

A lovely photo, it shows the drama in Nature. Well done!


tschnath wrote on Wed May 14, 2008 4:20 pm:

What a great pic. I think you should have become a photographer PRH. I also get caught up in the outside world. Having a 4 year old also opens me up to a whole lot more than what I would normally notice. Mother nature is wonderuful. I've never seen a pink buttercup either, we have yellow ones.


glendann wrote on Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:35 pm:

wonderful Photo.We have pink butter cups all over the place in this part of Texas too.

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