Heat wave hits WA state
weather report | Posted:
Tue May 16, 2006 8:45 pm
For the 2nd day, it's going to top 80 here today. Yikes! I fade after 75 degrees.......... not getting much work done here today, as I'm just way too hot.
Need to go out pretty soon and get all my new garden goodies a drink. I put in so many seeds yesterday, and they are spread out from front to back here......need to use 3 different hoses.
I answered a Freecycle ad this AM and got the notice that the plants were MINE. Was supposed to be vinca and some ornamental grasses. I came home with the back of my van FULL of plants. A full size forsythia in a pot, almost 4' high, lambs ears, vinca, 5 or 6 kinds of grasses and some iris. A promise of a lilac too, from another garden of theirs. I have everything unloaded, sitting in the shade & watered down. I am going to wait for a cooler day to transplant, both for me and the plants!!
Ran out of time today, was going to make a much needed trip to the nursery for starts and more seeds, but will try again tomorrow.
Looking for some inside jobs today..........
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