Rain finally!
weather report | Posted:
Sat May 20, 2006 6:07 pm
Who knew I'd be excited for rain in May here....but, I am. Watering 3 times a day was getting to be difficult. I also didn't get much done when it hit 80 & above.
Got another couple rows of seeds planted in the veggie garden & 2 of the 4 tomatoes in the gound.
Have a holding area full of the free plants that I'm hoping to get in today, tomorrow & Monday. My young man comes this week end and he's pretty good on the end of a shovel. Some of the ornamental grasses have huge root balls, so we need some hefty size holes dug...
Radish seedlings are up, seemed like I just planted them. Hoping the timing works out to have lettuce to trim when the radishes are mature. I've actually planted these 2 crops in the shade this year, as I haven't been too successful the last couple years. It got too hot and things bolted almost before I could mix up some salad dressing!
I'm having difficulty finding local plants & seeds for my veggie patch. Wondering if gardening is going to be a lost art too?? Always think I should have been born about 50 years earlier, as the things I like to do are going out of fashion these days!
Back to work, it's a great day to be in the garden!
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