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Logan turned 8! Where did the time go?
Posted: 08 Aug 2011
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Logan turned 8! Where did the time go?

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:01 pm

My son Logan turned 8 on July 31st. On the 30th we had a large family party for him. A few of his school friends were able to come. The past 3 years he has wanted a party at the beach. But things have changed! Logan still loves the beach but over the past year he has slowly moved away from being a Thomas the Tank lover to being COMPLETELY obsessed with the Dukes of Hazzard and the General Lee. (mommy is not thrilled by this, I had to live through this when I was young and my brother was obsessed with that show and car!) So A Dukes of Hazzard party it would be. But of course there isn't party decorations so we had to do that ourselves...Confederate Flags were and blue streamers...Instead of pin the tail on the donkey I made a game of Pin the 01 on the General Lee and my mother in law made a General Lee pinata...and then of course the CAKE! Those of you that have read my blog entries from the past know I LOVE TO COOK! And now I have a WORKING oven I am baking more than ever! So I decided if we were going to do this party we would do it right. I set out and MADE a cake that resembled the General Lee! Home made cake, carved like the car and decorated. It took over 4 hours but I pulled it off! If was so worth it to see how happy Logan was and how much everyone enjoyed the party!

We had a fabulous day! How times fly.

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eileen wrote on Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:11 pm:

Happy belated birtthday Logan. Gosh eight already - time certainly does fly. I love your cake!! What a clever gran you have. So glad everyone enjoyed your special day.


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:15 pm:

What a super mum you are. I know that boy was well chuffed with his theme-B'day party.
You did such a marvelous job with it all too. Chapeau!

It looks like it was an enormous ampunt of work, but it did look good. You even got the number of stars right on the flag! Attention to detail makes the end product so nice.

I guess that you will need some peace and quiet....perhaps you will repair to the solitude of the snake tyres and talk with your slender pals there. ;-)

Well done, you.


gardenmama wrote on Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:00 pm:

Thank you Sjoerd!

Logan made sure that they flag was correct...he can pick out all the confederate flags that are missing the middle star! It was a lot of work but so worth it!


gardenmama wrote on Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:01 pm:

Eileen I am Logan's mom not his gran! lol

carolyn keiper wrote on Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:06 pm:

Wow! GM, that was a lot of work to make that cake. You did a great job. Logan is so fortunate that you are willing to put that much time into a cake, just to eat it in a very small amount of time. Or did you make everyone take 4 hours to eat it too? lol Could you imagine that? I well remember the dukes of hazard. we never missed it. at least the three of us that were young enough to be home and not working.


Frank wrote on Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:51 pm:

Ah the General Lee! Was a Dukes of Hazzard fan back in the day also :)

cuatro-gatos wrote on Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:39 am:

Happy belated birthday Logan!
You did an awsome job on that cake GM!

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