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Preparing for Hurricane Irene

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:23 am

Hurricane Irene is barreling up the East Coast, she is HUGE! In order for me to handle the uncertainty of the impending storm I got busy on Thursday. I decided not to be one of those people who didn't take it seriously and one that got what she knew she would need for her family. I printed out my list and off to Walmart I went.

On thursday morning Walmart was already low on water, batteries and flashlights. I picked up a couple of new flashlights that took AA batteries and C. I couldn't find D batteries anywhere! ( and that has been the #1 post on my facebook page, no one could find them anywhere. I think it is because newwer flashlights are LED and take a smaller battery since they use less power) I picked up the basics, water, bread, snack foods, soups etc. I also picked up a propane lantern. They are expecting it could be 5 days with out power. So I think we are okay with food and water.

Once home I charged up out MP3 players, they all have radio capability. Each of us has one so we should be good there. I collected all the emergency supplies and put then in 2 places. Our sun porch has the paper good and camping cooking supplies. The dining room table is emergency supply central: flashlights, candles, matches MP 3 players and chocolate. YES chocolate. REALLY WE WILL NEED THIS! I also have lots of books, crayons, drawing materials and word puzzles. We will need to keep our brains busy.

The wine is gone. My husband and I needed to relax tonight...might need the harder stuff on Sunday.

On Friday and saturday we spend time loading up our garage with the large items that could blow around and do damage. We tipped over the swing set and laid down the tin men in the grass. We braced what ever couldn't fit in the garage against the fence around the yard. I have put our gas grill in the garage for cooking. The cars are packed out of the reach of any tree that might fall.

My husband is most worried about injuries and property damage. We have some trees that could do damage to the house and the inlaw unit. We plan to stay most of our time in the living room and dining room. That is the side of the house away from the trees. We will be camping out Sunday night in the living room in case trees come down.

The two bath tubs are filled with water, so is the washing machine. I have filled all large cooking pots with water as well as 7 pitchers and every water bottle, beach bucket I can find. We have a 55 gallon rain barrel filling up and a bucket ready to catch all over flow. We have several more buckets we fill as well.

Saturday afternoon I was thinking about what to make for dinner...then I remembered I had several beef tenderloin steaks in the freezer. Mother nature is not going to ruin these we had homemade fries, grilled filet mignon, cucumber and tomato salad and fresh biscuits. It was perfect!

I was up at 2:30 this morning, the minute the rain started...I couldn't get back to sleep. So here I am blogging. It helps to get it all out. The worry for all my family and friends spread from NC to Maine. All we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Everyone be safe, be smart and take care.

Last edited: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:25 am

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eileen wrote on Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:02 am:

I'm glad to see that you're prepared for Irene but I sincerely hope that you aren't hit too hard. Please stay safe.


Frank wrote on Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:57 am:

Stay safe gardenmama.


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:34 am:

I like seeing your preparations. Stay safe and be careful. I hope that you have no damage or injuries.
I would have felt better if all of you had bundled-up into your auto and have friven westwards a long ways and sat it out in a motel.


Bernieh wrote on Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:58 am:

It all sounds so familiar. We prepared for Cyclone Yasi in February this year. It was rated as a Category 5 which is the highest category for a cyclone. The eye passed just 120 kms to the north of us, but we had to go through 120km an hour winds. All the preparations you mentioned were things we did as well.

It was fortunate we had a generator, as we lost power for 10 days. It was also fortunate we filled the bathtub and every available container with water. We had no running water for just over 3 days. Flushing the toilet used up most of the water and we were almost out by the time the pumping station has its power restored.

My fingers are crossed for you. I hope Irene is not too powerful if she hits, and I hope you and yours remain safe and sound.


Netty wrote on Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:22 pm:

I'm glad you are prepared. Lots of people seem to think it won't happen to them and they aren't prepared. Better safe than sorry I always say!
Hope you don't need it :)


Miss Liberty wrote on Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:06 pm:

Glad to see you're prepared. We don't get hurricanes in Wyoming, but we do go through the same preparation when the blizzards come through.

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