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June 5, Garden Update

Category: Vegetable and Flower Gardens | Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:09 am

The seeds have been in the garden for a few weeks now and some things are bolting (the peas!) and some are slow (the tomatoes). We need some heat and sunshine I think.
I'm not sure what to do with our spinach. It is normal size spinach so should I leave the leaves that are there and wait until they are a bit bigger or can I pick some of the smaller ones to use early. Will more leaves grow if I pick some of the first leaves away?

Lettuce, spinach, beans and snap peas ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

My cucumbers have sprouted but are not growing too quickly at all. I hope they'll pick up. The zucchini are doing well as are the beans (all these are from seed). The snap and snow peas are 3 feet tall at least and I see flowers on a few plants.

The trellis is being built tomorrow. I now have enough cedar to build a fairly large structure. There are 4 gourd plants, 2 planted on each side of where the trellis will go. I had to dig up some grass for the garden spot and our soil is naturally sandy (we live about 500 meters from Lake Ontario) so I added a wheelbarrow full of our compost to it.

The house wren is still singing non stop around the little house, trying to woo his sweetheart even though I think she's already sitting on HIS eggs! She chose house # 2 that he stuffed full of uncomfortable twigs. I'm still waiting for the day when she is coming in and out every 5 minutes to bring food to the babies.

Male wren "wooing" ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

Female wren on her way to the house ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

Female wren at house ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

Last edited: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:10 am

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Droopy wrote on Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:25 am:

Your veggie patch is looking very good, despite the slow growing stuff. At least you've got entertainment while you wait for something to really happen out there. I like wrens, they're so cute.

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