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The Gourd Trellis

Category: Vegetable and Flower Gardens | Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:29 am

We have a neighbour who trimmed out a bunch of dead cedar hedge so I asked if I could have the wood for a trellis. They were happy to give it away!
After doing some reading and looking at photos I realized that I was going to need something more substantial than a small section of the chain link fence. Some of these vines exceed 10 feet in length and I put 5 plants in the ground....hmmmm.
I plan on being out there in the evening with my paintbrush pollinating (I'll wear a black and yellow jersey to trick the plants!) so that I can maximize my yield. A few years ago I tried a birdhouse gourd plant and got only one gourd. I wasn't sure why the flowers kept on falling off but now I know. They weren't pollinated and I also didn't know the males from the females. I've got it down pat now. There are some great websites out there now.
So here is the trellis and a close up of the little plants which just went into the ground last week.
Wish them (us) luck! The wren will have more houses to stuff next year if I'm successful!

Gourd seedlings ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

The Gourd Trellis ( photo / image / picture from jillh's Garden )

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daisybeans wrote on Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:04 am:

That's a clever idea to make the trellis that way. It is going to look amazing covered with vines.


toni wrote on Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:09 am:

Your trellis looks wonderful, I love the look of cedar posts for trellises, gate, fences, arbors, etc.


eileen wrote on Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:57 am:

I'm impressed!! Your trellis is looking good and it was free - can't get much better than that. I hope your gourds grow well for you Jill - you must show us 'progress' piccies.


cajunbelle wrote on Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:15 pm:

What a stroke of luck for you, I am planning on making some from the Chinese tallow trees growing all over here.


glendann wrote on Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:04 am:

I like your clever trellis idea.Its so neat looking.

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