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Tree of Life

Category: Vegetable and Flower Gardens | Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:29 am

It's one smallish, perhaps 8 year old, 13 foot high red maple that the wren house is hanging in and wouldn't you know, out of all the trees and shrubs in our yard (hundreds) a robin chose the same tree and has a nest 5 feet above the wren house! I discovered her on Saturday when I noticed that robins were chasing each other around the yard and quite often starting or finishing their chase in this tree. It think that must have been some mating and now she's happily sitting on the nest and feeding from my bug supply.
I hope they both continue to eat well from the vegetable garden which is just a few feet away because there are a lot of caterpillars this year and some have already made holes in my lettuce!!
Photos to come of the robin after I figure out how to get a decent shot. The zoom lens has trouble focusing on one little thing in the middle of the lens.
The baby wrens (number unknown) can be heard clearly from the house which is 15 feet away so they are obviously growing well. The male is feeding them this year which is something that we didn't see last year. They are getting a bug every 2-3 minutes whereas last year it was every 5.
The garden is looking great. Potatoes showing some green above ground now. Lettuce in full swing, spinach too. Salad for dinner tomorrow night, our first big meal from the garden this year. The peas are almost at top height and some have flowers. Runner beans are starting to climb up the trellis. Gourds have 4 leaves just got warm here. The tomatoe plants I bought are a good size, those I started from seed are a bit small. Beets, carrots, 2 inches up, Bush beans had to be planted again because only 2 grew. Zuchini are at 4 leaves and cucumber is really slow for some reason.

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margie12u wrote on Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:36 pm:

Hi this is Margie I love your Trellis was it very hard to make? Is it something I could do? How long did it take to make? I'm just full of questions, I'm sorry about that, But its great. Its so woodsy looking That's what I'm looking for

margie12u wrote on Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:36 pm:

Hi this is Margie I love your Trellis was it very hard to make? Is it something I could do? How long did it take to make? I'm just full of questions, I'm sorry about that, But its great. Its so woodsy looking That's what I'm looking for

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