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HAIL (not Caesar, but the cold damaging kind)

Category: Vegetable and Flower Gardens | Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:39 am

We have had crazy weather this year but today's hail storm seems to have taken first prize. It came down once, small gravel sized balls, not too bad, for about 3 or 4 minutes. Then it let up a bit, started again and lasted 20 minutes. It was so forceful that the lawn looked like it was making popcorn. The deck and places where the eaves come to a corner and are chutes for rain had piles of hail on them. It got really windy at one point (a little scary for the kids and us too) and the hail was being blown through the trees shredding them with their force so there was leaf matter flying all around the yard for about 5 minutes. It was a bit like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz!
Here are some photos of the aftermath. Thank goodness it did not turn into anything serious.

The leaves:

My poor zucchini!

The snow peas in the big garden:

The beets, carrots and brussells sprouts whose leaves just snapped right off. Argh!

The hail did this to the tomato stems which were exposed and running horizontally:

Look at all the cherry and grape tomatoes it knocked off! There were 2 full size ones on the ground too.

Yesterday's harvest, before all this crazy hail hit!

I'm hoping that over the next few days it will dry up and the leaves will stand upright again. It is supposed to be dry here for 3 days in a row. That's a first for the last 2 weeks! We've had daily storms.

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Droopy wrote on Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:23 am:

Oh dear, that's some damage! I'm so sorry for your poor plants and the trees. I hope things will brighten up for you eventually.


eileen wrote on Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:05 am:

Well we have hail storms here but nothing to rival the one you had!! It's certainly left its mark on your poor plants and trees. I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed that you get dry weather soon and that your plants recover.


gardenmama wrote on Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:20 am:

Oh I am so sorry for your damage...It is amazing what mother nature can throw at us. I hope over the next few days your plants can have time to recover.


gardengater wrote on Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:13 pm:

So sorry for your damage, Jillh. Maybe something will recover. Your plants looked amazing and I know you were looking forward to those tomatoes. Perhaps things will settle down now.

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