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Category: Vegetable and Flower Gardens | Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:03 am

Well, it seems that things were pretty badly hit. I didn't take any photos today (our first day back after the week-end away) since the garden hasnt' really perked up the way I thought it might after that storm. A lot of the veggies have holes in them (green peppers) and the zucchini and tomatoes have dents that have made blemishes. The underground veggies have their green tops half flattened. I think they will still be fine. The bean leaves look like they have been through a mulcher and the snow peas suddenly look tired and are browning. My potatoes look miserable! I think I'll go digging tomorrow and may just dig them all up now. It's been since June 7th or so that they have been in the ground, does that sound like long enough to do what they should? They have flowered (about 3 or 4 weeks ago) and one of them has those little buds on top that I thought I read meant that the spuds should be picked asap.
I'm not giving up! There are lots of tomatoes on the vine still. We ate a huge red one tonight in a simple salad with feta, chopped fresh basil and some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It was excellent. The zucchini look like they still have plenty of new flowers along the vines.
It was sunny and beautiful here on the week-end and as soon as we arrived home today it started to thunder and rained a few drops, now it is rumbling again. I actually yelled out loud that it had rained enough already and to quit it. I had a glass of wine after that.....

Last edited: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:03 am

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Droopy wrote on Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:29 am:

Oh-oh, things doesn't sound too good where you are at the moment. I sincerely hope you'll get some goodies still, after that pelting. It's no fun when Nature is playing up like that. I hope you enjoyed your glass of wine. And there's always next year.


Frank wrote on Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:04 pm:

Oh dear, sounds nasty Jill. Maybe a reverse rain dance is needed. I hope not too much damage has been done.


Sjoerd wrote on Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:06 pm:

Great Scott!
Well don't give up just yet...veggies can be resilient sometimes.

As for the spuds, I would dig up one or two plants to begin with to see how they look--and taste.
If they look pretty much mature, you can l;ift them all, or take them a plant or two at the time. It really does depend what sort of potato thaty are and how they look.
The presence of those poisonous little, green berries on top of the plants are generally a sign that your spuds are quite ready to be lifted.

Good luck ...and send some fotos if you have the time.


gardengater wrote on Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:20 pm:

So sorry for your garden, Jill. I hope you can salvage some.

sharon mc wrote on Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:18 am:

With the apparent changes in our climate(s) it seems we may have to be as resilient as our plants!

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