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maiden blooms
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maiden blooms

Category: nature's marvels | Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:18 am

I had been waiting for this to bloom for a few years now. i knew it stays open only for a few hours, that too at night. so yesterday, i waited for it to show its beauty.
Presenting the Epiphyllum Oxypetalum - Orchid Cactus

the buds ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

getting ready ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

at 10 pm ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

today morning ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

one of my little visitors

he is so small ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

one of my favorite hibiscus ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

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Sjoerd wrote on Sat May 12, 2012 6:31 am:

Hello there, GF-- That Epiphyllum really is something to behold, isn't it?
As lovely as your foto's are, I have the feeling that the flower is even more lovely than the pics show.
I reckon that you appreciate this beauty even more, havig had to wait so long for its bloom to emerge.

That Hisbiscus is quite a looker as well. Is it a double or a one-and-a-halfer?

Cute little frog (or is it a toad?) there. Do you have a pond nearby?

Thanks for your nice pics this time.


greenfairy wrote on Sat May 12, 2012 1:10 pm:

thanks frank and sjoerd. what is double and 1 1/2er? my camera is not capturing very well, so the beauty of that bloom has not come out that well, you are right. i have my water lilly tub in front of the house, but these frogs keep coming in all the time. once we had one in the bathroom for two weeks, had a tough time driving it out.


cherylad wrote on Sat May 12, 2012 2:09 pm:

I can't wait until mine blooms. Does it take a couple of years? Or just the right conditions?


greenfairy wrote on Sun May 13, 2012 4:03 pm:

just the right conditions, cherylad, don't worry. but it is worth the wait.

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