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another bird story!
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another bird story!

Category: nature's marvels | Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:47 am

this is happening too often now. feel sad, but it is nature's law i think.
we have these little birds around the garden all the time. two weeks ago one pair started building their nest on this plant - they do it only on this plant. they stitched two leaves to form a cone, and then made and packed and decorated the nest very cosy. she laid the eggs and sat for a few days.then one day, she was no longer coming to the nest, the eggs were gone. later one day, i found this little bird fighting with the bul buls. must be they took the eggs. the nest is still there, i hope she comes back once again to raise her family.

tailor? ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

warm & cosy ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

one of the veggies - lady's finger ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

fully bloomed ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

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Sjoerd wrote on Sun May 27, 2012 9:38 pm:

Hiyah GF,
Wonderful to see your pics. --Always something interesting and lovely.
What a shame about the little bird and it's nest. It really is interesting how that birds make that nest.
I shall keep my fingers crossed that the female returns to the nest. When she builds another one it is too bad that you can't make some kind of "cage" to put around it with a screen that only the little bird can squeeze through.

At any rate--keep us posted on this.


greenfairy wrote on Mon May 28, 2012 5:44 am:

thanks a lot sjoerd, i knew i could count on you for some tip. i have moved the plant a little, so that there is another plant guarding it. but these bulbuls are very naughty, they just sneak in and do their mischief.
let us hope for the next time.

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