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First season was both better and worse than expected...

Category: Vegetable Gardening | Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:10 pm

First season was both better and worse than expected... yes, it is possible.
I moved into my new rent 2 years ago. For the first year, I watched the yard. I tried to find a spot that would get enough sun for a veggie garden. Living on a main road with neighbors that have many tall trees in their yards, it isn't easy to find a suitable spot far enough from the road that gets enough sun. My front yard is very sunny, but it is too close to the road. I did find one small spot on the side of the house that just made it. With help, the plot was marked, sod cut, soil tilled, and fence built. Everything looked beautiful. I had high hopes and expectations.
I started putting the plants in; 7 tomato plants (3 different types), 1, pepper plant, 6 baby spinach plants, 12 lettuce, 6 kohlrabi, 4 broccoli, 2 summer squash, 2 winter squash, 6 bush beans, 6 peas, 1 eggplant, and 1 watermelon. But they didn't do all that much. After about a month, I realized that I didn't do anything to amend the soil. No manure, or ferts of any kind. I ran to the store and found some dry organic ferts to rake into the soil. My hopes and expectations were dashed. There was improvement, but short-lived. After another month, I added another shot of ferts. I was holding steady. Everything but the peppers and broccoli were blossoming. The broccoli didn't sprout at all. The peppers never blossomed all season. I know the season was bad, but I see where I went wrong. I didn't get the harvest I was hoping for, but I did get enough to give a little away to friends and family. Considering the mistakes I made, I realize that I did do quite well.
This year, I hope will be different. I plan to do things differently. I plan to move the spinach, lettuce, peas, and beans to a different part of the yard that gets more shade. I plan to amend the soil in advance and move a few things around. We'll see how it goes.

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