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When one door closes, another opens...

Category: Vegetable Gardening | Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:09 pm

Well, as I mentioned in my last entry, I lost half of my tomato seedlings.
I just noticed a few days ago, that I somehow gained the same number back. I lost two beefsteak and one cherry tomato, leaving me with two plum and one beefsteak. I just found two, possibly three seedlings growing randomly in my garden. I am almost certain that they are cherry tomatoes, as they are growing in the general area I had my cherry tomatoes last year. I will still have to go out and buy some beefsteak tomato plants if I can find the ones I'm looking for, but I'm happy to find these little guys. Yes, I do use heirloom, so they will be just as wonderful as last year's.
I am considering direct sowing in the autumn next year. I am not planning on it this year because I plan to till next spring. We'll see.

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