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Category: Fishtank Gardening | Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:08 am

These are the first tanks I live planted:

The 10 gallon Betta tank.
The handsome fellow showing off for the camera is my little guy Charlie. There are also about a hundred snails in there.
The plants are Wisteria in the back, Java Fern front and center, Tiger Lotus on the left with its floaters in action, and Anubias Barteri in bloom on the right.

10 Gallon tank (right angle) ( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

10 Gallon Freshwater Tank (from left angle) ( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

The 20 Gallon long tank
It is a bit overgrown, but you can see the same plants in there that are in the 10 gallon tank and then an overgrown Amazon Sword plant along the back that I removed and planted in the goldfish tank. When I removed it from the 20 gallon, it practically took the whole bottom of the tank with it. It was a very strong plant, but it was no match for my goldfish. I must admit, it did last longer than any other plant in the goldfish tank.
You might see some Platys in the pictures. There are also some Dwarf Cory Catfish, some Kerri Tetras and some German Blue Rams, but they are hiding. And, of course, about a thousand snails...

20 Gallon Freshwater Tank (right angle) ( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

20 Gallon Freshwater Tank (left angle ( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

Once the fish were all gone from the 10 and 20, I took these tanks down and replaced them with a 30 gallon tank. This tank has Java Fern, Anubias Barteri, Anubias Nana, Wisteria, and Anacharis. I hope to get more Tiger Lotus bulbs soon. Those were great.
The fish in there are Sparkling Gouramis, Cardinal Tetras, and Kuhli Loaches. Oh, and you might have guessed, about a million snails... Are you seeing a pattern???

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

See the little Kuhli Loach? Cute little guys.

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

Cardinal Tetras

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

Sparkling Gouramis

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

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Frank wrote on Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:44 am:

The tanks look so healthy and clean Beeker!


Sjoerd wrote on Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:24 pm:

I enjoy seeing these tank foto's. My dad kept fish when I was small and I haver always found them interesting since.
your tanks look quite nice.


Beeker wrote on Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:19 pm:

Thank you both!
This is my little creative outlet.
I got very close to buying those lily bulbs again, but I didn't trust the stock. They were dried out and small. I want to get them for my new 30 gallon tank, but I am not going to do it until the snail population under control.

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