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Starting to see some action!

Category: Vegetable Gardening | Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:00 pm

My watermelon plant is starting to produce! Last year I got 4 from it but I watered it too much so they weren't sweet at all. Any advice?

The steps I've taken so far are:
Moved the watermelon plant from the bottom of the hill to the top, where the rainwater won't settle.
Haven't watered it myself, but have left crabgrass around it to hold moisture and absorb excess rainwater.
The crabgrass is getting tall, so I'm considering trimming it down, or possibly pulling it entirely.
What do you think?

I picked my first zucchini! I'll have it in a salad with some fresh spinach from my garden tonight.

I see some little green tomatoes finally.
I also see some tiny cucumbers and squash. There are a lot of male blossoms on these plants but only one or two female blossoms. Is there anything I can do to help the plants along in producing fruit-bearing blossoms?

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Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:01 pm:

I have to tell you Beeker, that I remove all grass from around my veg. I feel that my fruit and veg needs ALL the nutrition in the area of their roots. I have noticed that some plants, like melons do not always do as well as they can in the face of I remove all potential competitors, grass included.

In terms of getting your cues and squash to produce more fruit--I have noticed that the plants usually 'grow out' of this stage. It typically is an issue in the early part of their lives (here at least). Naturally those two plant sorts that you mentioned are sometimes described as being 'ravenous' eaters. I feed mine with either liquid food or a "tea" that I make myself. I feed them weekly once they begin producing fruits.

Good luck there, meid.

mart wrote on Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:06 pm:

Like Sjoerd said this normal so just give them time. Squash may also lose one or two at first but this is also normal. Then they go like gangbusters !!

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