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Here we go!!! 2015 sprouts coming along!

Category: Vegetable Gardening | Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:04 pm

I don't know why I don't write things down. I know my memory is terrible, so I should, but I guess I just can't remember to do it... umm... Yep, I just said that...

Anyway... I planted my seeds a couple of weeks ago. I can't remember what day because I didn't mark my calendar. It was either the last or second to last weekend of February. I placed them on the heating pads under the grow light and they sprouted, when, I don't know because I didn't write it down.

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

Not all of the dixie cups would fit in that mini-green house gadget, so I put the rest in plastic trays. Those seem to have sprouted faster than the ones in the mini-green house. Odd.

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

But, they are doing well. I took 4 seedlings with their dixie cup of seed starting media and moved them into 6 inch pots with regular, organic soil.

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

After I did that, I got nervous because I thought they might still be too young, as they didn't have their second set of leaves yet. I decided to leave the rest alone and treat it as sort of an experiment. Thankfully, it has been a week, maybe more, and all is going well. The second leaves are starting to show now.

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

So, here are the stats so far:

I planted:

7 Beefsteak Toms - 6 have sprouted
6 Plum Toms - all have sprouted
6 Pepper plants - 3 have sprouted
2 Watermelons - 1 has sprouted
2 Eggplants - none have sprouted.

Any thoughts, questions, ideas are welcome!

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