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Snow in the forecast...

Category: Vegetable Gardening | Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:50 pm

Snow in the forecast, sprouts in my window.

Still having trouble taking this down...

( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )

I wonder why...

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Frank wrote on Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:15 am:

You might as well leave it until next Christmas now Beeker :D


Beeker wrote on Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:31 pm:

I'm considering it.


Beeker wrote on Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:18 pm:

Thankfully, the forecast for snow has changed to rain.
This winter, in my area, has been much colder than average, single digits, teens and 20s. We've had frequent snow, but very dry air, which is odd. Usually it is moist snow around here. The dry air explains the cold temps, though.
The fun part is when we would get a day or two above freezing and occasionally into the low 40s, it would feel nice and warm, and then the next day dive back into the single digits again. It's almost like a joke is being played on us or we are being teased.
I hear that this is good for killing off bad bugs, though. I hope so. I hope it doesn't harm the good bugs.
Well, our temps are still hanging, and predicted to stay, below average for the rest of the month at least, but there seems to be a slight warming trend. I'm almost afraid to notice it.

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