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2016 Veggie Gardens
Posted: 03 Aug 2016 Posted: 12 May 2015 Posted: 07 May 2015 Posted: 06 May 2015 Posted: 29 Mar 2015 All Entries |
Finally finished mending the fence... Closer...We finally finished mending the fence for the sun garden. I turned the bed and threw in some alfalfa pellets and will probably rake in some Jobe's Organic today, if I can beat the storm. I was planning on planting yesterday, but ran out of time. I figured I'd do it today but we are expecting some hail storms in the area and I don't want to expose my little seedlings to that. I guess I'll have to do it tomorrow. Also, I wanted to rake some alfalfa pellets into the shade bed, but spotted a little chipmunk. I certainly don't want to give the little guy any ideas by spreading alfalfa over the bed, as there is no fence around it yet. I'll probably just use the Jobe's on it and water with fish emulsion. That should be sufficient until we can get the fence built. The little chipmunk was sooo cute. He came running out of my work area and stopped when he spotted me. He just sat there, about 3 feet away, watching me. I then heard a noise and, when I looked up, saw the neighbor's cat climbing over the fence to go back home. I guess my presence saved the little guy from certain death. It is funny that they know to run to a human when a cat is around. That is the second time it has happened to me. The first time was 20 years ago at a friend's house. What a fond memory. It is rewarding when an animal, especially a wild one, shows it's trust in you. I guess it considered me the lesser of two evils. Again, it was me or the cat. I saw the chipmunk about 20 feet away, and was keeping my distance as to not scare it, planning on quietly walking away when I spotted a cat stalking it. I yelled "hey!" at the cat, surprising it and getting it's attention on me. The chipmunk looked up, saw the cat, and started running towards me as I ran to it. I put my hands to the ground and he ran right into them, up my arm and onto my shoulder. I walked over to a tree, put my arm up, hand to the tree, and the little guy scampered up to safety. The cat, obviously disappointed, skulked away. Last edited: Tue May 27, 2014 4:23 pm This blog entry has been viewed 326 times
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Wow that's such a nice story Beeker. It's like a Disney movie! You would imagine that he would fear your size more but there is probably something about the cat that screams 'predator' more.
Can really picture your experience. Great story.
I enjoyed this story a lot.
When I was a little girl I never had any inclination of being a Disney princess, except when I saw how the birds and chipmunks flocked to them. I still have yet to experience anything more than a few close calls as I passed by my Dad's hummingbird feeder. You're story is amazing. I'm so jealous.
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