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2016 Veggie Gardens
Posted: 03 Aug 2016 Posted: 12 May 2015 Posted: 07 May 2015 Posted: 06 May 2015 Posted: 29 Mar 2015 All Entries |
Almost finished planting... So close...Saturday I was late arriving home. I had about a half-hour or so to try and get some planting done. I did as much as I could until it was dark and I couldn't see anymore and was being eaten by bugs. Most of it is done; just finished yesterday, but discovered that I have to plant more beans. I planted 4 in my shade bed about a month ago. Two are doing well, the third sprouted but appears to have been snipped somehow and died. The forth didn't sprout. I did plan to put more in the sun garden but I'm not sure I have the space for them anymore. I'll see what I can do about that. I figure I can plant my potted celery in the shade garden, in the spots where those beans were supposed to be. It is amazing that no matter how I draw it out, I can always fit much more in my drawing than I can in the actual garden. Why is that? Anyway, I hope to get the beans in either today or tomorrow, and then I can relax. The most difficult part is over. Last edited: Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:30 pm This blog entry has been viewed 341 times
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This is goed news. things are coming right along.
Oh, thank you!
Well, I surely hope that you do not have a cutworm there, but if you do then I hope that you can dig-around and find it and destroy it.
Sorry I haven't posted back yet. I haven't had the chance to check for the cutworm. I've been too busy to do anything more than quickly water the garden. I've been taking care of a family member's pets this week and haven't had much time for anything else. One benefit is that I was told to take as much wood and tools as I need for the garden! I just got a nice carload of stakes for tomatoes, wood for fencing, and a bunch of much needed garden tools I was getting close to spending money on. I'm thrilled to save the money and to have some nice, old fashioned tools!
Well, I sure hope that it isn't, but those long-legged flies can lay their tiny eggs in the soil. The eggs are so minuscule, that they may have slipped through the sieve.
I would have to say it appeared to be cut at the soil line (there was a slight indentation where the seed was planted, so it was the top of the indentation) as soon as it began to sprout, but it grew about an inch before it died.
Uh-oh---That DOES sound cutworm-ish after all. Tch!
I found two or three of them in my sun garden, where I planted the tomatoes last year, when I was tearing out some more sod to mend the fence a few weeks back. I didn't know what they were, but after reading your post, I did a search on cutworms and saw the picture. I'm glad I tossed them onto the pavement. Hopefully the birds got a good snack.
No cutworm found in my shade bed so far.
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