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Planting Rocks

Category: Sharing the Joy with Others | Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:02 pm

The digging bug bit me during outside play time yesterday, so I dug up a persimmon (carefully, to keep from wrecking the taproot) and proceeded to show and tell the kids about roots. Then, of course, I found two other edibles that needed a better home, so I moved them. Before I knew it, the little 2 year old was digging a nice planting hole for his rock! He happily buried it, dug it up, spread the dirt around the grass, then buried it again... Sounds just like me!!!!

The kids are watching closely for signs that the sleeping plants are waking up.If the buds aren't giving me enough hints, I know it's almost spring by the huge smiles on my dogs' faces when they go outside!

We're planning a cool sunflower maze for the back part of the yard. Can't wait. Errr, uh, of course I mean the kids can't wait!!!

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Droopy wrote on Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:24 pm:

The poor children, the wait must be hard on them. *lol* I sympathize entirely. My children can't wait either.


cajunbelle wrote on Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:55 pm:

Thank you for teaching these children about gardening, it will serve them well in the future. If not for you they might not ever get the chance to learn this. I had my kids digging in the dirt at a very young age. Of course now you can't pay them to dig in the dirt.


Palm Tree wrote on Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:03 am:

That is great, and so sweet.
I have never tried a sunflower maze. I cannot wait either. That is so cool. You absolutely have to post some piccies... pleaze.


lulu1107 wrote on Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:25 pm:

I sure will, palm tree, but we must all be very patient... Not a problem for us gardeners, huh. The old fashioned runner bean houses that kids used to play in also sounds like a great idea! Since I can't use a hammer and nails to make a play house or a maze, I can always try to use plants to accomplish the same effect or, perhaps a better one!

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