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Welcome to the JJJJ-Jungle

Category: Getting Back to My Roots | Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:30 am the song goes. I've been lucky enough to add several students to my family daycare (I now have 5 3 year olds and 2 8 year olds), all the while being blessed with a busy entertainment season. The result is that my stomach is no longer tied in knots about money (for the first time in years), but I am getting incredibly busy and TIRED!

The yard and gardens have been showing it. Once I gave in to the temptation of all-day air-conditioning, that didn't help either! I took a sobering look at the place yesterday and resolved to get down to business! So I weeded everything in sight today! I ruthlessly finished yanking out the Trip L Crops and I went on a wonderful treasure hunt for Rutgers tomatoes nestled happily in the tangled wilderness that was once so carefully maintained. The two huge baskets of round, red, luscious tomatoes helped ease the guilt of having been so laissez faire about weeding and keeping up with staking the veggies.

Now a bit sparse, but tidy, the veggie garden is navigable, even with the several pumpkins growing there. There are still green beans, Malabar Spinach, basil, anchos, at least a dozen Rutgers and several new starts that will now have homes. My dog, Wilbur, decided that the new spaciousness of the garden meant the old rule of staying out of the garden must not apply! OH YES IT DOES! He was quite adorable, though. Spiffy and Charlotte remembered the rules and stayed at the edge. Good girls!

The herb garden should have been harvested at least twice now. At least it's weeded again. I usually make a HUGE mess in the kitchen when I bring the herbs in and dry them. There just hasn't been time, what with the daycare parents expecting the place to be tidy and all!!!!! I'll make time soon. Luckily I can continue to dry the tomatoes, which has proven to be a very easy and non-messy process. The hard part is having some left after my son and I snack on them! Blackberries are still in need of daily vigilance. Soon I'll actually be able to save some for jam!

The persimmon tree has three persimmons on it! Please, squirrels, don't eat them! The figs are going full tilt, so they'll be the next thing to dry.

This is the time of the year when I resolve to stay on top of things through the dog days of summer next year. Here's hoping!

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Jewell2009 wrote on Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:07 am:

Good going! How busy you have been and how lucky your day care kids.

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