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Garden Traditions...
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Garden Traditions...

Category: Numb's Garden Life | Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:48 am

Do you have traditions in your garden?

I cant remember where they came from but me and my son have been growing a few seeds of a dwarf marigold variety in a lil container each year for a while now. He's 4 so its only been a few years but we grow them in the tiny clay pot they came in each passing season.

Heres this years..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

they are quite tough lil guys. Usually there is a few more in there but we always end up leaving it out in the sun too long and the soil dries out quite fast if your not careful...

this one is surviving and we are taking better care of it this year.
Next year we will plant some again..

when my youngest son gets a lil bigger i will start a garden tradition with him.

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Jewell2009 wrote on Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:28 am:

I love your tradition! Made me smile.

When my son was little we grew pumpkins every year and he wrote his name on it when the pumpkin was little (the first few years I did it for him). As the pumpkin grew his name grew and and stood out. A couple of years I did daycare and each of the children chose a pumpkin to put their name on to take home. It was fun...maybe more fun for me than them :) lol

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