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Toms, Peppers, and Corn..
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Toms, Peppers, and Corn..

Category: Numb's Garden Life | Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:12 pm

thought id post a few pics of the food im growing this year...

heres some shots of my tomato and corn growing..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

I have over 18 different types of tomatoes growing and 3/4 of them are from seed so i made a diagram of the toms and their names........well i lost the list so now i dont really know what type all the toms are but thats ok because they are doing good. I have a few tags on them from the store bought ones but i will definitely tag them all next year.

heres some of the first fruit..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

you can see i havnt got too much room to grow and this area is the only spot in my yard due to shade that i can grow stuff like this. My neighbors house is on the left but they dont seem to care about me growing stuff so close which is good.
You can see in the top right of this pic where i have more plants planted..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

im loving these ll clusters of toms. Last time i tried these they didnt do so well but i think i have my nutrients sorted out better this year. Everything is green and producing! Thank u Mr.Bonemeal!

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

heres my sunglow corn. I think i stunted them, they are usually a lil bigger than this but i left them in the lil pots too long before i put them into the ground. We harvested today and i ate a cob with the kids. Ive got some more seeds on the go and am gonna put another crop down to see if it will produce before the season is out. I forgot to take a pic of the corn i was tastey though :-)

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

here are my peppers, i have most in the ground now but i still have a few to dig in.

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

more mater shots..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

corn again..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

just love these lil clusters...

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

some tomatoes on the ripen..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

my lemon boy...

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

my first ripe tiny tom..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

i dont like eating tomatoes raw but i do love ketchup and will eat cooked bits of tomatoes in food so this year i decided to taste all of the fruit on all of the things i grow. I ate the lil guy above but sadly didnt really enjoy it. I will be tasting all the other plants as well even though i dont think i will grow to like the raw tom taste but i will still continue to grow them. They are fun to me..

these are the ones i ate and the first ripe of the season..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

my wife picked these today...
she would pick them all green i think if she could...she loves just pickin the fruit from the vine and says thats her job hehe..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

thats all for now...

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Sjoerd wrote on Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:22 pm:

What a great bunch of pics.
You know, a person just has to admire you--it is obvious that you don't have a great deal opf room on which to grow the veg, but you have found a way to make the most of what you do have. That is such a good of the tale-tale signs of a true gardner.

I like how you have arranged your corn in a square plot to maximize fertilization and how you are handling your tomato plants and their development.
I have as feeling that the pepper plants will do ok too once they rest get planted in the full ground.

It is good that your neighbour doesn't make problems for you. Did you buy them off with promises of a few toms of their own to taste? ;-)


Jewell2009 wrote on Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:30 am:

Looking really good. Those tomato vines are "big".

Have you tried 'bruschetta' with ricotta, fresh tomato, basil (or mint), and basalmic vinegar? Might not be to your taste, but if you like ketchup....? There are some yummy combinations out there.

You have a nice little garden going there. Soon you will have lots of peppers also. :)


Green_Numb wrote on Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:20 pm:

thanks for the kind words guys...
havnt bought the neighbor off with tomatoes but i should drop some over to them...
thanks for the recipe..

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