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Flagstone pathway coming along...
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58 degrees in July???
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Actually did a little garden work..
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Hot, hot, hot....

Category: Creating an English Cottage Garden | Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:56 am

So much for my plans of working on the fence today. I was out with the boys for 20 minutes and we had to go in. In the mid-nineties today with no breeze off of the lake. I managed to deadhead at dusk, the temp had dropped to 80. Turned on the A/C today and thankfully it still works! Wish we would have had a chance to get our pool up. It would have been a great day to play in the water! Here's hoping Friday is not so hot.

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Calomaar wrote on Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:41 pm:

5 days in the high 80 here, not near as bad as there, it's the humidity. Glad to hear that the A/C works, it provides a little relief from the heat.

margie12u wrote on Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:27 pm:

Hi I live in southern Indiana and weve been in the high 90's for 6 days, Its really been a killer trying to do gardening, I've been getting up very early as soon as daylight appears i'm up and out. Try to stay cool



dooley wrote on Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:35 am:

I remember those days when we lived in Wisconsin. Now, we live in Texas and it's more of the same. 103 today with a heat index of 108. Maybe, cooler tomorrow? Probably not. dooley

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