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Master Gardener Update

Category: Gardening Remembrances | Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:00 am

Do you want to make new friends and influence people? Take the Master Gardener's Course offered by your local County Extension.

The Master Gardener class is something I look forward to every Thursday. The classes are so interesting and filled with useful information that I just want them to go on well beyond the 3 PM quitting time. We normally cover two subjects per class and so far we have had classes in Plant Physiology, Soils & Plant Nutrition, Entomology, Weed Science, Taxonomy and Composting. This week it is Backyard Wildlife and Pesticide Safety. The classes will continue through the month of April. The program is designed to educate people so they will be able to constructively volunteer their gardening services within the community and many volunteering opportunities are provided.
So far I have become a member of the Montgomery Tree Committee, the Old Alabama Town Herb Society; where I am told members eat food that is cooked or baked with herbs (my first meeting is later this month). I am also helping maintain the gardens at the Alabama Shakespeare grounds and the Fine Arts Museum, and helping where I can with the Cypress Creek Project that will restore hundreds of acres of wetlands along the Alabama River into a wildlife preserve.

February is a busy month for the tree committee; what with Arbor Day and all. On Friday we will bag seedlings to pass out at the Montgomery Curb Market on Sat. 2/20 and the Alabama State Capitol grounds of Wed. 2/24. Of course there will also be numerous tree plantings ceremonies around the local schools and downtown area.

Master Gardener Interns need to accumulate 50 hours of volunteer service before Dec. 31 to qualify for certification. At the rate I am going I may have 2,000. I can see that if I do not keep this under control I will be working in every garden but my own and that is not going to happen.

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gfreiherr wrote on Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:16 am:

Good to hear from you and glad you are enjoying your class. Sounds like you will be very busy. How long does the Master Gardener class last?


Kay wrote on Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:26 am:

Nice Blog! I went through the Master Gardener's training in 2005 , here in Lincoln, NE. at our university. I too enjoyed each and every class! It was great to meet enthusiastic gardeners, learn, and be involved in volunteering in our community. Well worth it!


daisybeans wrote on Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:42 am:

Sounds wonderful. Recently I was searching for some info online and came across the Master Gardener site in my area. The training looks great... doesn't fit in my schedule as it is during the day but looked like they have short info workshops sometimes too. Congratulations to you.

beck5711 wrote on Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:15 am:

I would love to take that course, so i could be more knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing!

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