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Balancing way of life towards good living and good health

Category: Natural Alternartives | Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:13 pm

I would like to add this blog to help those to understand that living our life on Planet Earth is an 'Art'. It is about balancing our diet, our health, our thoughts and everything else.

The Universal Law of living is a very delicate balancing act. Balance in plus and minus, positive and negative, white and black (without light we don't know what darkness is), sweet and bitter, cooling and heating ect..the lists goes on and on.

Having said that, having the right diet is about balancing and understanding the right type of foods which our bodies need - to stay healthy.

Since I've been 'inspired' to talk about foods etc. here is a link to a website which was sent to me (by another website which I belong to). I'm not 'suggesting' that everyone should be vegetarian - I am not a vegetarian.

My diet consists of no red meat, some chicken, some pork, I love fish (wild caught and not farmed seafood) and some other seafood mixed. Lots of vegetables, lots of fruits (whenever I can). I don't overcook my food and I enjoy drinking tea. I've a very interesting story about tea (from my grandmother). An ancient story about tea and its effect....later...

It has been known to most of us that we eat fruits (as desserts) after a meal. The actual fact about eating fruits correctly, is entirely on the contrary. It is only beneficial to eat fruits on an empty stomach. Fruits should preferably, be eaten fresh. If you like fruit juice, drink it immediately after juicing - do not wait. Do not mix any kind of milk into your fruit juice. It will only defeat the purpose of keeping the minerals and enzymes fresh. I drink my fruit juice with a pinch of salt for cleansing.

Water is very, very important. The right way to drink water is:

1 to 2 glasses of water (room temperature - not from the refrigerator) when you first wake up. If you can drink luke warm water - that is much better. I keep a jug of boiled water at room temperature - constantly/everyday. I have a 'boiler - thermos' for constant hot water. It doesn't use much electricity and it is very convenient. Sometimes, I do add a bit of hot water to my usual temp water (to make it luke warm). That is good for cleansing...anytime of the day.

Go do your usual morning routine for at least 30minutes. Drinking water in the morning helps your body to 'flush' the toxins out of your system - after a night's sleep of recuperation.

You can have a glass of fresh fruit juice (room temperature) in the morning if you want...but not cold juice (or fruit juice in a can/bottle). I try to have a glass of pineapple juice (unfortunately it's in a can) with pineapple slices at least 3 times a week. You can get it in the grocery store - read the labels - get the one label "pineapple slices with real pineapple juice".

Next, drink a cup/glass of water, 30minutes before each meal. It helps digestion and everything else.

Yin/Yang - 'Heaty & Cooling Foods/Effects'

In ancient China (and even now), food has yin and yang effects. There are a lot to remember the different kind of food and its effects. It is a very delicate process and art of balancing which helps you to stay in good health.

A very common 'heaty' and 'cooling' effect - barbeque.

Everyone loves bbq. BBQ has a 'heaty' effect - why? To balance this particular meal effect, one uses a 'cooling' effect. Drink lots of water. I try to find a kind of 'fruit salt' like Eno (or a glass of tonic with a pinch of salt) to balance the 'heaty' effect of bbq. When I've had a bbq meal without cooling my body, I get sore throats and sinusitis inflammation. That's how my body works.

Someone else may be able to take 'heaty' food - up to a certain point. After a while, the heat accummulates and that's how different ailments starts to show up.

During summer time, the effect will be more 'heat' ...why?..because it is Summer time. A lot of sun, heat rises and our body absorbs the heat from the sun & from the ground we walk is a double whammy! Concrete floor has a bad effect...walk on grass/lawn etc.

Life is very delicate...we're all very delicate. Balancing is very delicate. We need to be very 'aware' of what we eat and our environment. I sounds like a chore...but is an 'art'.

I will post more about 'heaty' and 'cooling' foods...later.

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