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Tooty2shoes's BlogGot weeds? Just eat them!
New Scrape wood Feeder with part of old one
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:00 am I did post this in the crafts section. But I figured I would put it in my blog also. I took down all my feeders to get the salmenella under control that was killing off our small birds. The platform feeder was the first to go. Because the birds can sit in the seed, poop in it, and spread disease that way. I took all the screws out of it to start with. But the only thing that came apart was the roof. Oh Boy! The guy I bought it from several years ago glued it together besides screwing it together. What kind of birds did he think anyone was going to feed. So I got out the hammer got the roof supports off in one piece. But the floor and sides of the feeder broke into pieces. I also had to take the metal skirting off I had put around the bottom to keep the squirrels out. This is what I ended up with to use from the old feeder. roof supports and metal skirt. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Roof and base of platform feeder ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) In the above photo you can see the base with the corner roof supports still in place. The first photo has the four posts that use to be the roof supports. I reused them and cut new sides and a smaller bottom. Then I made it a hopper feeder to keep the birds from sitting in the seed. Now they can sit on the edge of the feeder and reach in and get a seed. I also made the roof hinged on one side so I can fill it. It didn't turn out to bad. I had a couple of goof ups and had to recut or rescrew some of it. But all in all it went pretty well. I didn't even hit my finger once. Now that's progress. New feeder from old one. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Roof opened up to put in bird seed. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 691 times
Sad situation here.
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:10 pm We I finally took down all of my feeders to see if I can get a handle on the salmonella my birds (mostly pine siskins) have been dropping dead from. I built a different smaller feeder out of scraps I had. It has a feeding shelf that the birds can only sit on and not get in the seed and contaminate it. Got my hubby to help me get down a sheet of plywood we had up in the barn. So now this week I will see about refirbishing the platform feeder into a self feeding with only a small space for the seeds to come out of like the above feeder I built. I also have been scattering seeds around the deck in different locations so the birds have some seed to eat. Had a cardinal show up the other day and look around like he was saying. What the blankity, blank is going on here. I knew there was a feeder here yesterday. Will post some pic's of the feeders. Well I better get some breakfast in me and then off to work. Have a super great day. This blog entry has been viewed 415 times
Boy did we get dumped on!
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:43 pm Today we woke up to 7 plus inches of snow and it is still falling. It's pretty if you can stay in and enjoy the scenery. But alas it's Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to shovel I go. I figure that we should have about 10 inches or more once it quits snowing. We must have 30 or more Pine Siskins at our two feeders. Plus all the regular winter birds we have. I feel sorry for the animals when we get this kind of weather. Well I better trot out and do some snow shovel exercises. Almost done shoveling the deck. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) 7 inches and counting. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Pine Siskins. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 744 times
Unusual Foggy Sunrise>
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:03 pm Last week one morning upon rising I walked out into the living room and looked out the patio doors to be greeted by this wondrous site. Sunrise threw fog ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Wow, God sure knows how to give one a beautiful start to ones day. I waited a few minutes and then got this second shot. Sunrise threw the fog. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) I love the pink and the purple coloring. Now where are my paints. After a 1/2 hr. it was completely gone. I am so thankful and blessed to see such an interesting and beautiful sunrise. Enjoy! This blog entry has been viewed 819 times
Red Polls and Siskins galore!
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:29 pm As I posted before we are having a pretty mild winter. But I would have thought it would have kept the more northern birds up there. We have had an abundance of Pine Siskins and Red Polls at our feeders. They sure can clean a feeder out in one day. But it is fun seeing these new birds at our feeders along with the usual Woodpeckers-Ladder back, Downy and Hairy, Chickadees, Cardinals, Blue Jay's, Goldfinch's, 2 kinds of Nuthatches and Morning Doves. But here is a pick of one of the Red Polls sitting on top of our Christmas tree. It's out on our deck to provide the birds with some extra shelter as it is really open back there with few trees. Well I better get going and get those goaties in the barn before it gets dark. More rambling next week. Red Poll practicing poll sitting. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Cardnial and Pine Siskins ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 771 times
Our Briends the Firds
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:08 pm Here is a funny written article my Mom gave me many years ago birds. Thus the title-- Our Briends the Firds--A Lature Nesson in Modern Spoonerism. Very pew feople are afare of the wact that if it weren't for our little feathered briends, the firds. The kinsect ingdom would strip our frees of their toliage. Our plants would threace to sive and our cronderful wops of ceat and whorn, arley and boats, and other stuff too menerous to moomshun. Would dither and wye. This would be a deedidy intradge, for eventually, then, manpeer would dissakind from the ace of the ferth and there'd be nothing left but bawling crugs and snithering slakes. What a holoplate that would be to contemcaust! So let us be nind to all our kirds--even to the spowly larrow. Who spends the setter part of the bummer killing yugs for her bongsters...the very sugs that bumday might be dotting horrible pleeds against the rewman hace! Now in order to show our buv for the lirds, we must surely learn habthing of their someits. So here is a small but lomprehensive kist of some of the more well-bown kirds. Which may either be rept for future kefference or waist into the bass tossket: The Dickachee: he sticks around in the shinter and wivers. The Loboblink: he sits in the top of a wush and borbles while his wife fings up the bramily. The Bumminghird: he sucks blector from nossoms and then mams like scrad. The Jue Blay: a crovely leature to observe. But stealy a little rinker. He nobs rests. The Firple pinch: he sings with a wherious cistle until his mate has faby binches. After that, he's sactically prilent. The Orned Howl: he einks his blyes and weems very size. Queny astions? It can be a bit rard to head. But I am sure you will ogure it fiut. Boy I am so glad that we don't talk like that now. Last edited: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:13 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1098 times
Water, water, everywhere!
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:20 pm On Jan 2nd my honey's family had their Christmas tree hopping party. No we don't hope over the trees-heee,hee, hee. We visit each other homes and have a progressive dinner. Because he has so many brothers and sisters we usually do 4 homes one year and then 4 more the next. I was in charge of making the salad. Of course I over did it and made 3 salads instead of just one yummy one. Well the crab salad turned out to be very yummy. But the other 2 were flops. Never serve a salad recipe you haven't tried first. Oh well. After the last home where dessert was on the menu. We headed home and walked in the door around 8:15 pm. I then went and used the toilet. Excuse me for mentioning that. But this is where the above mentioned water came from. Before I used the toilet I had noticed that someone had not flushed the toilet. I do not make it a habit of looking into the toilet to see what might still be in there. Anyway I did what I came to do and flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and left the room. My honey and I watched a little TV and decided to go to bed around 9:00pm. I figured I better let our little dog out to go pee one more time. As I walked past the hall leading to the bathroom I could hear water running. I thought maybe I had left the faucet on after I washed my hands. So I headed to the bathroom to turn it off. OMG it wasn't the faucet running it was water pouring out of the toilet and on to the floor. It had been running onto the floor for over 20 minutes. I didn't know what to do first. So I giggled the toilet handle because usually when ones toilet is running the thingy in side has not sealed so giggling the handle stops the water. NOT SO in this case. It started to run out of the toilet even faster. YIKES! So my ightening fast mind said hey just turn the water off at the wall. I did and was left standing there in my soggy socks in about an inch of water on the end of the bathroom where the toilet was. I had yelled for my honey who was standing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open not sure what to do. So I started grabbing bath towels out of the linen closet and throwing them on the water to soak it up. As I was getting the water soaked up my honey decided to go down to the family room and see if the water had run threw to that room. Well sure enough. He came back up and said that he had put a large cooler under the dripping water to catch it which was now coming threw the suspended ceiling. I thought I better go take a look. YIKES! The carpet was all wet in that area and the title that was leaking looked like it would come crashing down any minute with the big bulge it had in it's middle. My honey said-oh it will be ok until morning. I knew better and went to get something to stand on so I could poke a hole in the center of the wet bulging ceiling tile. It was like opening a faucet as the water poured out into the cooler. I just gave my honey one of those you have got to be kidding me looks. Seeing he wanted to leave the mess until morning. So after the water stopped running out of the hole in the tile. We removed it, soaked up as much water as we could from the carpet and dragged ourselves off to bed a 10:00pm. I am so thankful we where home and it didn't happen when we would have be gone for over 3 hrs. That would have really been quite the situation then. I shutter to think of it. So now it is all back to normal with a few new ceiling tiles installed. We may be getting a new toilet as it has given us trouble with not flushing correctly before. Hope my rambling wasn't to long winded. Makes me tired just thinking about it. I think I will go and take a nap. Bye for now. This blog entry has been viewed 351 times
Happy New Year 2012
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:45 am It is hard to believe another year has come and gone. We are finally getting some snow. Nothing major in amount. But it started out as drizzle then changed to snow and the temps got colder making the roads an ice covered mess. Plus the winds have kicked picked up blowing what snow there is into small drifts across the roads. On our way home from church we spotted a Northern Shrike. First time ever. I read up on them and they are a bit rare to see. What a treat. Then when I was standing doing the dishes watching the birds in the feeder all of a sudden they took off like they where being chased. Just after they took off a hawk swooped in and was gone before I could blink. I guess something was chasing them. Hope they all got away and didn't become hawk lunch. Well that's enough rambling for one evening. Have a super great night. This blog entry has been viewed 323 times
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Spectacular Sunrises and Sunsets!
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:57 pm I just can't get enough pic's of our beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I guess I am crazy about them and about how the clouds look. Can't pass up snapping a few shots of either of them. So here are a few more. The first ones are of a sunrise over our valley and the second is from out front yard. Our home back faces east, and the front faces west. I didn't alter the color in anyway. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Sunrise Dec. 2011 ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Sunrise Dec. 2011 ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Sunset Dec. 2011 ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Sunset same day Dec. 2011 ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Same sunset a few minutes later. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) OHHHH just gorgeous. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Same sunset sky burning up. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 317 times
Love Daylilies?
Category: A little of this and a little of that. | Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:37 am Here is a website where you can order amazing Daylilies. It's You will not be disappointed by their huge selection. This blog entry has been viewed 995 times
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