Cleaning Up The Yard
Garden Novice | Posted:
Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:08 am
It's that time of year to clean the yard and plan on next year's gardens. I'm so happy to be pain free, finally, and I can't wait to really get to work out there. We had quite a bit of wind last week and I spent a couple of days cleaning the yard and doing a little weeding. And we had rain! We need a lot more to bring our water tables up but the plants loved the rain.
I finally figured out my Calla Lily problem. The roots were hitting somthing hard (maybe cement or hard packed dirt) and couldn't go any deeper. So I moved them into my new garden and I'll have hubby dig down in the old garden and see what's down there. Until then I have pots of plants in the old garden. I can't wait until my next trip to the garden store!
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