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Recent Entries to this Blog The yard space
Posted: 25 Apr 2012
The new house
Posted: 19 Apr 2012
the new garden---at the old house
Posted: 18 Apr 2012
Catching up...
Posted: 18 Apr 2012
Out behind the fence...
Posted: 15 Nov 2008

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tschnath's Blog

The yard space

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:32 pm

Here are a few pics to show you what we have for yard space. As you can see there is so much potential. I've got so much in my head of what to do with each little part.

This is the house from the road. It's a small subdivision and our house is just before you go around the circle.

Looking down the driveway to the left. See the brown dead grassy looking area, it's wet land and we can not distrub it, so I have to keep that in mind when I start planning.

Looking down the driveway to the right. Behind the big tree trunk you see is more wet land. You can see this better from pic #1. In front of the tree trunk, I want a row of lilics lining the driveway all the way back to the well pipe.

Walking toward the left around toward the back of the house.

and still walking.

This whole mess is going to be a lot of work. We've been trying to get rid of the wood (dead trees we had cut down the last couple years). We did have a couple bon fires, but we just don't have the time to burn it all. It's going to cost too much to have someone else remove and dispose of. We're thinking of chipping it and putting it back into the play area. You can see the white square behind the tree? That is a play set (slide/swings/etc.) that will be in this area once it's cleared.

Looking from the play area to the back. I'd like a patio of some sort one day with an arbor and some sort of water feature.

If you come around the right side of the house toward the back this is what you see. Behind the bulkhead is the generator and the round dark thing is the gas lines (we burried the tank).

These are flowers currently popping up in various areas of the lawn.

There are a few sections of this in the lawn in the back.

Flowers that are in the wet land areas.

A dandelion with a baby grasshopper...just thought this was cool!

This blog entry has been viewed 401 times

The new house

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:20 pm

Unfortunately I don't really have pics of the yard space but I guess this will be a good time to go out and get some.

Anyway, this is the new house. We love it here, much more private then the old house. Not as much yard so that means smaller gardens but that's ok as I was starting to have a hard time keeping up with the garden (at the old house) and will be fine with downsizing a bit.

I think I'll do some container plants this summer and I want a container herb garden but we'll just have to see what comes.

The empty lot we started with.

The front of the new house.

The back of the new house.

A bonfire we had trying to get rid of the dead trees we cut down. Unfortunatey we still have more wood to burn and no time to do it. But...we'll get there.

I think I refigured out this pic postings...I hope.

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the new garden---at the old house

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:53 pm

Well we finally got to finish the new garden (at the old house). Unfortunately, we finished it so we could sell and so I never actually got to plant anything in it. But it would have been a great space. The new owners have done nothing with it and it makes me sad to old garden is just a weed pile now. So sad, but I have to look forward to being able to start my new garden here at the new house someday.

My pics are too big to load from my computer but here's is a link to photobucket so you can see. I hope this works. My appoligizes if it doesn't.

Last edited: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:41 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 256 times

Catching up...

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:07 pm

It's hard to believe it's been 3 1/2 years since I've been on. So much has happened in that time. In brief, we sold our house (Dec., 09), built a new house (Oct., 09), move into our new house (Apr., 10) been busy with family and trips inbetween and became a grandmother (Nov., 11). It's been a crazy ride and I'm hoping things are beginning to settle down a bit so I can start getting back on the stew.

The new house is great but the yard is a blank slate, not having the time or $$ in make anything happen as of yet let's just say I have great plans for it and am hopefull that we will be soon getting started.

Of course it'll be a work in progress, I think most gardens are always a work in progress, but I look forward to the time when I can start making my visions real.

In the meant time I've got some reading to do to try to catch up with what you all have been doing. I've missed my stew family and am hoping to get involved once again, even if only sometimes.

This blog entry has been viewed 205 times

Out behind the fence...

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:09 am

OK, these pics were taken the end of Sep and early Oct. Some other stuff I found out behind the fence. Hopefully in the spring I'll have more, you all built up my hopes that some of the wild flowers need some time...but in the mean time I guess I ended up doing ok considering I just litterly threw the seeds out and paid absolutely NO attention to them.


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A little fall color...better late then never...right?

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:14 pm

Some trees around my yard and neighborhood.

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Some flowers that got missed while I was off line...

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:12 pm

Here is some of the stuff that bloomed while I was so busy in Aug/Sep. I did manage to get a few shots and now I want to share them.

My morning glories did finally bloomed, these were taken in Sep.

My coreopsis did well. This was taken in Oct.

These sun flowers were a surprize. They grew up under my bird feeders. I've always had grass there but this year I took the grass out as this is where the new garden space is going to be. I guess they liked the dirt! These were taken in Oct.

This blog entry has been viewed 398 times

Hey y'all, I've missed you! An update on the new garden.

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:30 am

What a busy summer and fall. Man, I thought when I'd gotten a chance to get back on in Aug. I'd be here right on through but alas life keeps happening.

My DD#1 (who's 22) got engaged in Aug. and we've been pretty busy making plans and shopping for wedding gowns as well as flower girl gowns for DD#2 (who's 5).

DD#1 is making most of the plans but she's had me right along side of her to make sure she's making good decisions and offering my 2 cents where I can.

DD#2 will be the flower girl. She has her own oppinion of what her dress will be. Good thing for her, DD#1 knows her sister well and has no problem letting a 5 year old call her own shots.

We had DD#2's birthday party the beginning of Oct. 15 5 years old kids running around my back yard. We got tables and chairs, no room in my house, thank goodness it was a lovely day. A little chilly, it is fall in Maine, but it was really nice.

We also got a big bouncing castle for them to get all their energy and cake out of their systems. All in all, they had a blast and it was a fun day for the kids.

I spent most of the day battling a migraine and was pretty much dibilitaded by the time everyone left, but was able to get to bed early and sleep it off most of the next day.

I'm sorry to say the new garden area is not making much progress. We've pretty much set it aside for now, making Spring the focus of trying to start working on it again. This is where we are at, more than the last pics posted but we've got a long way to go.

Well, it's going to take me forever to get caught up on all I've missed. I needed to jump in a say hi and that I'm still around. I'm hoping to find some time here and there to get back into the swing of stewing.

I hope you all have been well.

This blog entry has been viewed 436 times

The new garden space...started

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 3:37 pm

Well I'm so happy because I figured we wouldn't start this until next spring and now I should be able to do some planting next spring and maybe this fall...

Here's some of the new garden space. It's very slow going as my DH works all week and then his second job on weekends. We get a half day here and a full day there but not really enough time to make a huge difference. It's coming along and I'm hopefull we'll be able to move my hydrangea this fall. That is the goal anyway...

This is the yard before, don't look to hard at the grass. It never really came back from all the work we did last year putting in the jungle gym/swing set for DD#2.

We have removed the grass for the area that will be garden and started the wall around the tree. The whole garden will be walled off so you will have to step up to get into it.

This is the block we are using.

The delivery of the rest of the block.

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We went on a whale watch on July 19th

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:13 pm

My DD#1 (she's 22) works for a company who planned a whale watch for their employees and families. So DD#2 (she is 4) and I went with her and her BF (DH get's motion sickness so decided to stay home) and we had a blast. It was kind of cool being way out on the ocean and seeing these massive creatures. The pics really don't do them justice but I picked a few of my favorite to share with you. Enjoy!

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