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Recent Entries to this Blog The yard space
Posted: 25 Apr 2012
The new house
Posted: 19 Apr 2012
the new garden---at the old house
Posted: 18 Apr 2012
Catching up...
Posted: 18 Apr 2012
Out behind the fence...
Posted: 15 Nov 2008

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tschnath's Blog

Remember behind the fence?

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:06 pm

My original blog post of "May 16th notes" showed you behind the fence in our back yard. It looked something like this...

We'll I didn't get the results I wanted from all those wild flower seeds, there were millions and this is all I've got, so far anyway...

Can't see much from afar but these are the flowers that actually came up. You can't really tell they are there from the above pic...

This blog entry has been viewed 498 times

My garden (from a distance view)

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:06 am

I thought I'd post pics of my garden looking at it from the yard. You always get to see the close ups of just the plants/flowers, but I've never posted from a 'view' perspective before. So here they are:

The West side of my house, which is the front.

from another angle.

The South side, which is the side.

The East side, which is the back.

from another angle.

The North side is just drive way and garage so I didn't bother posting that. No plants there yet, sometimes I put a planter next to the garage, but if I'm lazy I may not bother this year.

I'll try to remember to post more shots once the flowers start blooming.

This blog entry has been viewed 480 times

Progress on my seedlings

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:44 am

I wanted to post these the other day, but things have been so's crazy. Anyway, now I've caught my breath once again and would like to share.

These are the trays when I first filled them. There's Portaluca (which didn't make it), Impatiens, mixed Petunias along with some pink, lilac and silver ones, Coreopsis and Marigolds. All started on April 24th.

The same trays on May 13th.

And now I've moved them to cups, on May 27th.

I've lost quite a few, but am still happy with what's here. It's looking as though I may loose some more, it's still ok, it's only my 2nd year with seeds and I'm hoping next year will be even better. It's just starting to get warm now so I'm hoping to have them off my dining room table and out on the porch in the next few weeks or so. Wish me luck!

This blog entry has been viewed 368 times

May 21st notes

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:04 pm

My DH and I took yesterday as a 'fun' day. We took DD#2 to preschool and took off with our cameras. We really didn't end up doing much but we stopped by the Cape Porpoise Pier (ME), and took some pics of the lobster boats.

I love the water and lobtering is a very big part of this part of ME. It didn't smell particularly good there (they were working and cleaning fish and such), but we got some pics and were on our way.

It was a 'fun' day and that's what really counts.

This blog entry has been viewed 392 times

May 16th notes

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 2:18 am

I was out in the yard a lot today. We put up a fence last year behind our DD#2's playset and it's looking pretty crappy back there. Now, keep in mind no one can see it except us and that's only if we walk out to the fence.

I took these in Apr. so the grass still looks bad. This is the fence from the back yard. As you can see, you can't see the other side.

Well, I like to walk back and look beyond the fence, as the birds love it back there. It's kind of a thicket I call it. This is what it looks like today from the back yard.

And behind the fence...

Yuck! Right? Well, today I spread a ton of wild flower seeds all behind there. It's suppose to rain this weekend so I'm hoping it'll get a good soaking.

Who knows what will actually grow, but anything I think will be better than looking at that.

I'll post another pic later in the summer so you can see if anything does grow. Wish me luck!

Last edited: Sat May 17, 2008 2:19 am

This blog entry has been viewed 389 times

More blooms...finally!

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:42 pm

It's been such a busy last couple weeks. I've hardly had time to check the stew and make a few comments. I really wanted to post some more pics, but just couldn't find the time.

Well, I'm finding it now. DD#2 is down on the couch watching TV and DH is on his way home from work, which means I finally get a few minutes to myself.

I was out and about in the garden today and took a few pics to share.

My hyacinths are in bloom along with my daffys. You can also see my magnolia (rikki) in this one and my lilys that are coming up. Please don't look at the dead stuff I haven't had time to clear yet. I'm working on it, but it's coming slower than I want.

More daffys and hyacinths. The tree looking things are my drawf lilacs. They sit right in front on my farmers porch in front of the kitchen. In May when they bloom I can smell them in the house when the windows are open. Ahhhh!

I took these hoping someone would know why my hyacinths don't produce the flowers around the whole stem. Some of them do, but some of them don't. They were like this since I've had them. I think it's weird.

These I took this past Wed. while at the beach with DD#2. The beach is my favorite place, 2nd to my garden.

Everyone have a great day. :)

This blog entry has been viewed 419 times

And a very happy Friday it is...

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:34 pm

I went out side with DD#2 and I finally found my first bloom....Daffy, behind the hydrangea bush

I also took a few other pics for you all.

My hyacynth coming along...

My lilies...

My daisies...

My iris...

The buds on my ornamental pear tree...

The ornamental pear tre...

There are also some nice buds on my magnolia but they've been there since Jan. so hopefully they didn't get dammaged. I guess we'll see how well it blooms in May.

Everyone have a great day.

This blog entry has been viewed 450 times

Happy Friday

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:27 pm

It's been a week (almost) since I've been on. Sooooo much catching up to do on the stew. I miss a day and it seems I miss so much. Unfortunately it's been an extremely busy week and with the weather getting warmer and the fact I am looking (harder) for a job I suspect I won't be able to be on as much as I've been. But, I will catch up as I can.

Had a meeting with DH about the new garden space. Seems my budget is not up to par (for my taste anyway) and we'll be taking it really, really slowly. I will still post it's progress, but it's not going to take much shape this year. Will have to do a few things, but the bulk of the work will be next spring (2009). Disappointing for me, but I can't argue.

On another note: I spent yesterday morning out in the existing garden. Doing my spring cleaning, which for me consists of my fall cleaning also. I wish I could do it all in the fall so there wouldn't be so much in the spring, but it just get's so cold here so quickly and once it's cold I just can't get motivated to get out there.

I figure I'll work on a little of the garden as my time permits and about the time I finish it'll be time to start back around with the weeding. Hopefully I will be able to stay on top of the weeding this year. My DD#2 is now 4 and a little more on her own so when we are out I won't need to devote my entire attention on her.

Anyway, hope you all are great. Will post more pics soon. My iris are coming up, but are still aways away from blooming.

Everyone have a great day.

This blog entry has been viewed 397 times

it's snowing again...

Category: Daily notes | Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:59 pm

I took these pics on Tue. (3/25) so I could share with you all that I finally have some green.

daffys coming up

tulips coming up

poppys coming up

Then I get up this morning to find this...

There's 2 plus inches out there now, but I'm hopefull it won't stick around very long.

We have had 4 days of pure sunshine. The temp was getting better (50sF last 2 days). Today it's cold (32F) but given what it's doing outside I figured it would be.

Hope you all have a great day.

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