Entry 4
My latest Europe trip | Posted:
Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:11 am
OK, enough tom foolery. Here are a couple of real pics. From London we went by bus to Dover, over to Calais (
do you want to see pics of that?) by ferry and then by coach to Amsterdam.
The streets in Amsterdam are
soooooo narrow. Everyone rides bikes and they will give you
ONE ring on their bell. If you don't get out of the way they will run you over, then swear at you!
No joke. It happened twice!
Eileen, we also went to the diamond cutting factory, which Amsterdam is famous for. Here are a couple I picked up ;-) (I wished!) The middle one is worth $150,000US.
I told Sandra NO!, Maybe next time. (ha, ha.)
Personally, I thought Amsterdam was a dirty, dingy place. Rubbish all over the place, no-one seemed to take any pride in their community or how it looked. We also took a walking tour of the Red Light district with our Guide. We were warned prior - NO PHOTOS, or they (the minders) would smash your camera. It was a little sad, 16 & 17 year old girls sitting near naked in shop windows begging for 'business'. (Sorry I have no pics of that, but I like my camera)
Until next time.
This blog entry has been viewed 281 times
My Europe Blog
My latest Europe trip | Posted:
Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:57 am
Well, here we go.
On Tuesday 20 September we (my wife Sandra & I) departed fair Australia for a 15 day tour of Europe. We flew from Australia to Japan (Tokyo) where we spent one night in the JAL (Japan Air Lines) motel, which was luxurious. Then on to London. 2 days wandering around London before the tour began was fantastic. Saw so many things.
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