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looking's Blog
On to Salzburg
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:11 pm From Innsbruck we journeyed to Salzburg, another beautiful place in Austria. There is a LOT of history in Salzburg. Firstly Wolfgang Amadaeus Mozart was born there. We went to see his birthplace, which is, of course, well marked. Located in Getreidegasse no. 9, is where the Leopold Mozart family lived from 1747 to 1773. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born here on January 27, 1756. Today the rooms once occupied by the Mozart family house are a museum. The streets, as in most of Austria, are very narrow. Cars and buses are not permitted in the city centre (not that they would fit anyway!) This blog entry has been viewed 264 times
Still in Innsbruck
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:57 pm The Traun River runs through Innsbruck. It joins up with the Danube River near Linz (more on the Danube later). It is a major river in Austria and is used heavily for transportation of goods. There are many barges which use the river, although I must have picked a quiet time as it looks empty. This was not the norm. This blog entry has been viewed 250 times
Austria - our favourite place
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:13 pm And now to Austria - our favourite place we visited. Austria is a very beautiful place. Clean tidy and the people are very friendly. I could live there tomorrow! Also quite reasonable prices (compared to some of the other countries!) Austria, and in fact most of Europe, was ruled by one Austrian family (the Hapburgs) for over 600 years. The Hapburgs were not adverse to using force to get their way, but preferred the more civilised way of politics to ensure their rule. (More on the Hapburgs later) There is a great wealth of history in Austria. It is where Hitler came from as well as many other notable historical figures. Austria also has its share of beautiful architecture. Here is a church, which would be considered average for this country. Architecture is a combination or gothic and renaissance, depending on when it was built. This blog entry has been viewed 397 times
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Munich to Innsbruck
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:55 pm We had lunch in Munich, but had a hard time trying to figure out what to order! (We don't speak German!) The only thing that we were sure of was cappucino! We eventually had a kind of sausage thing in a baguette! I think it was called a Kraimer. From Munich we took the Autobahn to Innsbruck in Austria. The Autobahn is, in spots, 5 lanes wide and 130Kmh speed. It naturally by-passes most of the towns on the way. Here is one we passed (don't know the name). But all the way along it was quite eerie with a low mist coming & going, sometimes making it quite dark even though it was around midday. Their "towns" are what we would call cities! Most "towns" there are at least 400,000 people. This blog entry has been viewed 279 times
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Munich 3
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:07 am However, Munich is a very pretty place. It is clean, tidy and very ornate! The buildings date back to around the 12th century and it really does inspire praise. How DID they get those huge stone blocks, perfectly cut, to the top of the buildings?? The craftsmanship is superb, even after all these years. Let's see if our contemporary buildings last as long! This blog entry has been viewed 284 times
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On to Munich
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:55 am From there it was on to Munich, which was a very beautiful place. Even though it was raining it was still very nice. Here is where the Munich Olympics were held in 1972. This Olympics, you will remember, was marred by terrorism. On the morning of September 5, with six days left in the Games, the worst tragedy in Olympic history hit. Eight Arab terrorists stormed into the Olympic village and raided the apartment building that housed the Israeli contingent. Two Israeli athletes were killed and nine more were seized as hostages. They demanded the release of over 200 Palestinians serving time in Israeli jails, along with two renowned German terrorists. After a day of unsuccessful negotiations, the terrorists collected the hostages and headed for the military airport in Munich for a flight back to the Middle East. At the airport, German sharpshooters opened fire, killing three of the Palestinians. A horrifying gun battle ensued, claiming the lives of all nine of the hostages, along with one policeman and two terrorists. This blog entry has been viewed 263 times
Still on the Rhine River
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:46 am There are 3 or 4 great castles dotted along this part of the Rhine. In the past the Nobles in these castles controlled the river and, thus, the commerce that was allowed to pass. (The river was really the only viable way of transporting stuff due to the rocky mountains all around) The castles are set up high on the hill so they can both have a clear view of the river as well as sink any sneaky ships that tried to pass and didn't want to pay!! The houses are very quaint and extremelly tidy and well looked after. Not a stick out of place and always newly painted. Another castle about 1 mile from the other one on opposite side of river. Ferries and boats had to pay each Noble each time they passed, which made transport costs so high. If you needed to transport goods, say, 10 mile and you had to pass 10 castles, that was 10x the toll! And WE complain!! Of course, if you got this far (& hadn't run out of money) you would recieve good luck from the River Siren (pictured below) A voluptuous blond, scantilly clad would wish you well. This blog entry has been viewed 363 times
Entry 5
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:34 am After leaving Amsterdam we went by coach down through beautiful Germany and the Rhineland. There is so much history here! Here is a cathedral we went in. Inside it was quite dark, so not many pics, but sepulchures went back to 1204. You also had to be watchful around here for Gypsies (pickpockets). I had one girl come up to me as soon as I alighted from the coach, baby in arm, pushing into me asking for money. I also felt her hand in my pocket (nothing was in there) looking for money. When challenged she ran off. This blog entry has been viewed 304 times
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Entry 4
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:11 am OK, enough tom foolery. Here are a couple of real pics. From London we went by bus to Dover, over to Calais (do you want to see pics of that?) by ferry and then by coach to Amsterdam. The streets in Amsterdam are soooooo narrow. Everyone rides bikes and they will give you ONE ring on their bell. If you don't get out of the way they will run you over, then swear at you! No joke. It happened twice! Eileen, we also went to the diamond cutting factory, which Amsterdam is famous for. Here are a couple I picked up ;-) (I wished!) The middle one is worth $150,000US. I told Sandra NO!, Maybe next time. (ha, ha.) Personally, I thought Amsterdam was a dirty, dingy place. Rubbish all over the place, no-one seemed to take any pride in their community or how it looked. We also took a walking tour of the Red Light district with our Guide. We were warned prior - NO PHOTOS, or they (the minders) would smash your camera. It was a little sad, 16 & 17 year old girls sitting near naked in shop windows begging for 'business'. (Sorry I have no pics of that, but I like my camera) Until next time. This blog entry has been viewed 281 times
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My Europe Blog
Category: My latest Europe trip | Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:57 am Well, here we go. On Tuesday 20 September we (my wife Sandra & I) departed fair Australia for a 15 day tour of Europe. We flew from Australia to Japan (Tokyo) where we spent one night in the JAL (Japan Air Lines) motel, which was luxurious. Then on to London. 2 days wandering around London before the tour began was fantastic. Saw so many things. This blog entry has been viewed 359 times
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