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Why I went to college

Category: Farm Doings | Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:47 pm

I went to college to get educated, and to learn how to handle whatever life sent me. Most of what life has sent me wasn't offered in the college curriculum.
Outsmarting chickens—nope, no "Smarter than Chickens 101." I had to learn on my own how to get reluctant hens into the coop at night. What I consider bedtime is not what they consider bedtime, and I'm outnumbered. My college also didn't offer "How to keep the ladies from tossing food about," even in grad school. Floor feeders get tipped over; hanging feeders are swings for the enjoyment of the younger crowd. So far we have a draw—I raised the hanging feeder so it's harder (but not impossible) for the hens to sit on top of. I think I get a "C-"in that course.
Coping with cats—I flunked. Psychology courses are of no help whatsoever. We've never had a cat that didn't rule with a velvet paw. Samcat was seven pounds of semi-Persian juvenile delinquent. He killed anything that moved (including ripping the throat out of a weasel) and brought his prey home for show-and-tell time. He expected me to pick the burrs out of his long fur, and demanded an incredible amount of food to maintain his fighting weight. When Feliz arrived on Christmas Day as an orphan in the alley, she knew exactly what she was doing. She looked at these two semi-intelligent people sitting on the patio and went into the pitiful kitty routine. We fell for it hook, line, and sinker. We've been at her beck and call ever since, and actually enjoy it. My engineer husband, who had a long and illustrious career, now arranges the tins of cat food in the pantry so Feliz doesn't have the same meals one after the other.
Farm work—good heavens, why didn't I take a mechanics course instead of art appreciation! Luckily, my husband can fix most anything, but my talent is limited to changing a light bulb. However, hanging out with some of my college friends at a local watering hole taught me language that has come in handy when the mower won't start.
Secondary degree in Theology (not optional when you attend a Catholic university)—I have never prayed so much nor so hard as I have since we moved to the farm. Please Lord, let it rain. Please Lord, let it stop raining. Please Lord, let my garden produce. Please Lord, isn't there a bug that eats zucchini? Please Lord, didn't You make a BIG mistake with grasshoppers, and won't You correct your mistake? And then when you see a tornado drop down out of a flat-line cloud, there's the ever-popular OH LORD!
So, why I went to college was to learn to cope, even with things that were not in the curriculum. Art appreciation taught me to appreciate our sunrises and sunsets, the beauty of our native flowers, and the green sheen from my chickens' feathers. Theology courses taught me to say "thank you" frequently, instead of "I want." Education courses taught me to leave well enough alone. Some folks know what they know, and trying to point out a different viewpoint is kind of like trying to teach a pig to sing. It is futile on your part and irritates the pig.
But most of all I'm glad I went to college because that's where I met my wonderful husband. It took me four years to get a B. S. of education, and one in Spanish, and six years to get my MRS. Guess which I value more?

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Donna S wrote on Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:59 pm:

I must say you are well
educated. And no BS your MRS. is your best degree. What took so long? :)


cherylad wrote on Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:10 pm:

Maybe you need to start teaching some continuing ed classes at the local college? :-)


Jewell wrote on Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:55 am:

Your poetry in words is very enjoyable. I share many of our experiences and feelings, but could never articulate them so creatively. :D


Henry Johnson wrote on Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:34 pm:

Once again you have instigated an ROFL experience for me with your "Education courses taught me to leave well enough alone. Some folks know what they know, and trying to point out a different viewpoint is kind of like trying to teach a pig to sing. It is futile on your part and irritates the pig." quip!!! I think I know several folks like that, 'they know what they know and don't confuse them with facts. etc.'!!
Thank you for the chuckle..

mart wrote on Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:41 pm:

Please, please, please think about putting all these blog entries into book form. It would be a best seller! Hope I didn`t miss one.

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