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The Pig and I

Category: Farm Doings | Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:10 pm

Shortly after we moved into our little farmhouse, we had an urgent need of a plumber. That is when we met Buck, a thoroughly delightful young man and one heck of a plumber. He came, fixed our problem, chatted a while, and left. About two days later he called and asked if we wanted a pig. I told him we didn't have a pen or sty for a pig, but I sure appreciated the offer.
No, he was offering a feral piglet. It seems his mama ran a "we buy feral hogs on the hoof" business, and someone had come in with a large feral sow and her piglets. Buck got stuck with the butchering and there were ex-piglets up for grabs. Since Buck was so nice, I said I'd love to have a piglet.
Buck came with a cooler with a headless, footless, skinless pig carcass with the tenderloin laying by its side. "I cut out the tenderloin because I wasn't sure you knew how," Buck said. Honey, I've never seen, much less cut up, a pig carcass!
Undaunted (after all we are in the country and I need to learn these things) I let the cooler water and the blood drain out, as instructed by Buck. Then I hauled the little carcass into the kitchen; donned my apron; opened my trusty cookbook that has instructions on how-to-do everything; whipped out a filleting knife and a chef's knife; and learned how to dismember a pig. We ended up with two fresh hams, ribs, the tenderloin, a pork sirloin roast, and various little bits where I made a mistake or the knife slipped.
Feral pig, at least the young ones, are delicious. We ate "high on the hog" for a while, although my apron has never been the same.

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toni wrote on Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:38 pm:

My first thought was Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. 8(
I have cut up chicken, from the store not farm, I don't think I could do a pig (refer to my first sentence)


eileen wrote on Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:51 pm:

I enjoy pork as much as the next meat eating person BUT I doubt I could cut up a carcass. It's not that I'm squeamish, as long as it's dead, I just wouldn't have a clue about where to begin.


Netty wrote on Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:17 pm:

I love pork, and I'm sure your piglet was delicious! I may be OK cutting it up as long as there was no head looking at me! LOL


Jewell wrote on Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:33 pm:

Lucky you to have such a treat of fresh young pork that had had a short but happy life roaming. You pay premium for such meat here. Eat well ;D

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