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Sitting here thinking about the quiet fall afternoon.
Posted: 23 Oct 2009 Posted: 16 Aug 2009 Posted: 13 Jul 2009 Posted: 21 Mar 2008 Posted: 05 Feb 2008 All Entries |
Deputy Dog, My FriendDeputy Dog is nearing 16 years old. He is a yellow lab, and we are his second family. He has been a loving, loyal and faithful companion to us for the last 8 plus years. Over the last year or so, or maybe longer, he has started to show his age. He has arthritis in his rear hips, and his front left leg, and only he knows where else. He has gotten progressively less stable on his feet. He has stopped going up stairs, although he will go down the four steps that connect 2 levels of our home. when it's time to go up, he wants to go out doors where he can walk around to the front door where he comes into the upper level. He has lost most of his hearing, although he will sometimes respond to a whistle or loud noise. I can walk right up to him from behind, and he doesn't know I'm coming until he sees me. He used to love to roam around the woods, and sometimes he would be gone for hours. Now, he goes out for his needs, and comes right back in. Although, I can't blame him, lately, the weather has been very cold, and there is 2 feet of snow in the woods. He wants to be where we are, and will find a comfy place close by, and snooze. If he is aware of our going to another part of the house, he will follow. Sometimes he will snatch up an old toy, and bring it to me to play, but he walks to retrieve it when I toss it across the room. If we play tug of war, which was one of his favorite games, he would hang onto that rope toy like a vice. I never used to win, but now I can, he still likes to play, and now I let him win. Although I don't think it matters to him who wins, he just wants to play. I have been rubbing his arthritic hip and legs, and he loves it. He will lay down and assume the position whenever he thinks I might do it for him. He still eats well, and controls his bodily functions. He seems to be happy, and always greets us with a happy face when we return from being gone. His internal clock is working fine, he doesn't let me forget a meal. All that having been said, I come to the concern that I have. How to decide when it's time to help him end his time here properly. I know, there is likely no sure way to decide, I just want him to enjoy life as long as he can, with out suffering. I suspect that that is the key, when suffering out weighs the happiness. It would be nice if he could just say it's time, and I suspect in his own way, he will, I just need to be able to hear him. I can't let my own feelings and emotions block what I am hearing. See, the thing is, I too have arthritis, and it hurts, it hurts to stand up, and to walk, and to do a lot of the things that I enjoy doing, and I wince, and groan, and make ugly faces some times, and I'm sure not ready to cash it in, not even close. I guess that it's the same old question most pet owners face at some point. I just don't want to make a wrong choice and take him too soon. He sure deserves to get the most at this point in life that I can give to him, he has given me so much. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Last edited: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:59 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1149 times
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My parent's sheepdog/greyhound mix is getting on in years also Tom and it's very sad to see the gradual decline taking place. The only thing you can do is make sure they enjoy themselves while they can. I choked up at this blog entry. Give Deputy a big hug for me.
It's so difficult to watch your family members (including pets) age. We, too, have had to make the decision many times in the past to have our pups put to sleep. Both of our dogs now (a Newfoundland and a Golden Retreiver) are up there in age. The Newf has bad arthritis in both his shoulders and his legs and many days has a hard time. But I still know that he has his spirit, and am not yet willing to say goodbye to him. When he has more painful days than happy days, I'll then have to make that decision. Your pup seems to have a smile on his face on the pics you posted. You'll know better than anyone when it's time...enjoy every day you have and do your best to keep him happy.
Oh Tom my heart breaks at reading this about Deputy Dog.He seems to still have lots of fun and a good time.
I said a prayer for you and DD. I have only had to put my dearest horse down, and taht was 26 years ago...I feel your anticipation. enjoy what you have while you have it.
You've got me in tears here now. You'll know when it's time, Tom. The certainty will just sit in your stomach one day.
Oh Tom, it is with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart that I read this. I will keep you and Deputy my thoughts. Be strong and enjoy every moment that you can with Deput.
Oh, he so SO cute. You've already answered your own question. He's still happier than in pain, and you're able to care for him.
Thank you everyone, for your kind words, and thoughts. Deputy is holding his own for the moment, as a matter of fact he just came up to me and wants to be fed. He keeps poking his head in under my right elbow and bumping my arm, theres no typing with that going on. Thanks again.
My golden retriever likes to nudge, too. I won't be playing outside with him much today due to the cooollllddd. Keep warm and give Deputy a big hug from all of us.
My heart and prayers go out to you and deputy dog, you have me all choked up too. My oldest Lucky is almost 10 now and I've had him longer than I've known my husband and daughter, and he's right up there with them in my heart. We had another shepard when I was growing up and when her time came we knew it her arthritis and her age just stopped her happiness, it happens quickly sometimes and then you just know that it's time, she let us know, I'm sure Deputy Dog will do the same. Love him while you can, help him when he needs it, and keep on spoiling him while you can. We'll keep you in our thoughts.
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