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Posted: 10 Apr 2011 Posted: 06 Apr 2011 Posted: 11 Apr 2010 Posted: 25 Mar 2010 Posted: 23 Mar 2010 All Entries |
What A Year!Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote a blog entry. We've had quite a year filled with family emergencies and I'm afraid my gardens suffered. So, for the next month or so, I'll be out in the yard every moment I can spare, weather permitting. One of my flower beds needs to be completely re-planted. I have to recondition the soil first and then use different types of plants. I wasn't able to water much last year and that poor garden gets nearly full sun all day long. The only thing that made it through was a lavender plant. I wanted to put drought tolerant plants in that area anyway so this is the perfect time to do it. The rest of my gardens need weeding, pruning, plant food and vitamins. The recent rains we've had perked everything up and it's nice to see green again. A welcome surprise was to see how much my garden path flower beds have filled in. The Calla Lily's and Creeping Charlie has taken over and it looks very nice and full now. I need to prune it back a little and add mulch but I think that's all. I want to make a flower garden filled with colorful perennials. I have just the place for it and a small garden statue that will look nice in the middle of all the flowers. That's it for now. Happy gardening, everyone! Eileen in southern California This blog entry has been viewed 301 times
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Eileen, I have just the same kind of exposure in my garden here in NC. I'm going to try some heat tolerant plants like Mexican Sombrero (I think). Please enter a list of plants you plan to put in as I can use advice. I'm also using a variety of Sunflowers. I have a Knockout Rose, Sunny that is doing well there.
I'm going to plant a Bird of Paradise in the corner, Several Agapanthus in front of the Bird and a few low succulents in the front. I think those will do well here. What are you thinking of planting?
Gosh, you can have exotics outside! *sighs with envy* Happy planting Eileen T. I don't suppose you'd like any of your snow, would you? :D Login or register to leave a comment. |
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