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Before and After Mania- Pictures
Posted: 07 Aug 2009 Posted: 12 May 2009 Posted: 17 Apr 2009 Posted: 15 Apr 2009 Posted: 16 Jun 2008 All Entries |
Tomato Paranoia and Zuke' RegretThe cherry tomatoes are just starting to turn red. I've almost killed that poor plant a dozen times, but luckily she came through. There's 40 tomatoes so far and she's still going. Now that it seems all right, I'm constantly worrying that someone will steal my fruit! It started when my Grandpa told me that some kids snuck into his backyard and took 15 peaches off his tree. Although it was a hilarious story, I checked all my plants for evidence of theft as soon as I got home. My partner, Rob, laughed openly as I theorized that everyone in the apartment complex is after our garden. It didn't seem like that far of a stretch, considering a neighbor's boyfriend stole our wallets and cellphones last year. Rob made a good point when he said: "The meth heads aren't really interested in produce, considering they can't sell it and they don't eat. You bring food to everyone else already." On another note, I might be the only person on the planet without enough zucchini. I have three plants and barely anything to show for it. Everyone else seems to be pawning theirs off to acquaintances, distant relatives and people they just met crossing the street. Madness. Absolute madness. This blog entry has been viewed 584 times
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I like your style of writing Lexxi, congrats on starting a blog here. Gardeners need to blog also :)
I on the other hand have had my spagetti squash taken by someone walking through the lane.I have 2 left Shanna and I got 1 each and had about 8 still growing and now 2 and they are not rotting sooooo.
Wheeoo, you all are reminding me how glad I am to live in the country! 'course the deer aren't shy about stealing apples, grump. As far as zucchini goes, seems like rural people often fill boxes with them & put them out with a "free" sign, so I wouldn't worry too much! (and I wouldn't count on meth addicts to think too logically, lol!) Login or register to leave a comment. |
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