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Before and After Mania- Pictures
Posted: 07 Aug 2009 Posted: 12 May 2009 Posted: 17 Apr 2009 Posted: 15 Apr 2009 Posted: 16 Jun 2008 All Entries |
lexxivexx's Blog
Before and After Mania- Pictures
Category: Apocalypse Gardening | Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:19 pm Holy Mackerel! So, I ended up with two chickens instead of one. Here's the baby photos of Jeri Lee and Howlin' Wolf: Jeri Lee Lewis Vexx ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Howlin' and Jeri- about 3 days old ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Howlin' was once camera shy ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Here's how they're lookin' now: Howlin' at 3 months ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Jeri Lee at 3 months ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) The yards were once unsuspecting and docile: Apocalypse West: Before ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Apocalypse East: Before ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) And now they've surrendered themselves to ABSOLUTE VEGETABLE MADNESS! Apocalypse West- August 09 ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Robbie of the corn ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Front View August 09 ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Chicken Coop Construction: Robbie the Builder ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Wrappin' it up: ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) And just for kicks: Chicken Love ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) This very belated update has been brought to you by: BEWARE!!! ( photo / image / picture from lexxivexx's Garden ) Last edited: Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:25 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1017 times
Breakin' The Law!
Category: Apocalypse Gardening | Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:20 am Bandit Chicken! That's right, I started building a coop today. My friend, Taryn, managed the whole operation since she grew up on a farm and actually knows chicken things. It is in no way legal to have "farm animals" here, but I'm not particularly concerned. The family across the street has at least 3 hens AND a rooster. Not only that, but their birds are visible from the street. You'd have to walk through Porter's yard and hop up on his fence to see mine, and I don't take kindly to that sort of behavior. Funny thing is, I can't even eat eggs. Well, maybe it will be different with organic ones instead of store bought. Either way, the manure and eggshells are what excites me and, above all, my love for any animal companion. I dropped the bomb on Robbie when I got home from the motorcycle trip to Laughlin, NV. It went something like: "I'm getting a chicken and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I'm going to name her Jeri Lee Lewis." After a year of him denying my poultry desires, that was all it took. Then Neighbor Porter chimed in with little kid excitement. "Can Bones raise the chicken?! He would love that sooo much! He'd hatch the egg if you let him!" Bones, his 1/2 Pit bull mutt, has this thing for mothering. He's been known for trying to raise ducklings, nurse kittens and cuddle rats. "Of course he can raise the chicken, if she likes him. And he HAS TO wait until she'd old enough to be handled... you know the dog can't hatch the egg right?" "I know... but it would be cute" CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN! This blog entry has been viewed 674 times
BOOM Part II: The Big Tease
Category: Apocalypse Gardening | Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:42 pm So I took some "before" pictures, but due our new internet and an aging computer, the Husband had to... well I don't know what to call it, but delete and reload everything. Somehow we lost the photo upload program. If he is not freakishly overburdened at work, I'll have him work some magic before I head out to Nevada on Monday. I took the pictures for a lark, to show you all how ugly it really is. Upon doing so, I tiptoed over to get a shot of the previously mentioned shopping cart, fearing that the old man might be hiding in a tree. Waiting. As a rounded the corner with my camera ready I Saw It ... A N O T H E R S H O P P I N G C A R T!?!?! He's been upping the ante. Gearing up on old shopping carts like it was going out of fashion. What could this mean? What is his plan of action? Where will it take us? Things that I can only wonder about on sleepless nights, perched at my window. Waiting for the unmistakable sound of creaky bearings on the approach. In other news; I purchased my Miniature Apple Tree; a freak result or root grafting and Mad Science. It had been on hold for a week at the local Ace Hardware, where a family friend, Miss Judy, is the Home & Garden Buyer/Overlord. Apparently the tree will grow in a container permanently and produces about 50 apples a year once it's mature. This year I'll have about 7, if every bud blooms and is pollinated. Miss Judy is fast becoming my garden mentor, being a certified Master Gardener herself. After my ecstatic purchase, we visited her house to borrow the Rototiller. AND since Neighbor Porter works at a winery as a delivery person, he has access to either free or deep-discount halved wine barrels. In fact, he is supposed to find out today What The Score Is. My only request was; "As much as we could get our hands on immediately." Over and Out. Last edited: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:08 pm This blog entry has been viewed 679 times
Category: Life as a Vexx | Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:37 pm A triumphant return from our second internet exodus! What a magical time to be back. Let me tell you a little about the Vexx-Porter Compound... Since August Robbie and I have been enjoying a CHOICE living situation. In the heart of N. Salem's dilapidated underbelly lies a decent sized lot, same as everyone elses on the street. But this one is rad beyond comprehension. Why, you might ask? Two tiny identical houses, one visible from the street and the other hidden from prying eyes and accessible only through an unnamed alleyway. Both freakishly affordable. Our dearest friend, Porter, occupies Compound East. The "dog yard" faces the street and provides his Pitbull and Rottweiler mutts with ample space to engage in general destruction. Behind Compound East are the communal grounds, incidentally his back/our front yard. This includes the 30X30 Apocalypse Garden East where cooler season crops will be grown in the warmer months. Then there's Compound West, where Mr. and Mrs. Vexx reside. And yet another yard behind that where Apocalypse Garden West will grow enough tomatoes etc. to feed the masses. The frenzy has begun, my friends. The kitchen window is brimming with indoor starts. The Radishes and Carrots are growing happily. I came home a few days ago with a truck-bed full of vegetables I didn't need, but could not live without. And the only logical conclusion, the climax if you will, to these righteous amounts of future vegetation is our own Oktoberfest. This will have to include a strange combination of loud music, home-brewed beer from some friends, a smorgasbord of vegetarian fare and merriment with a vengeance. And Otis Redding. It's never a party until you full-tilt boogie to Otis. One of the many benefits to our New Deal is Porter's willingness to help with the gardens. Mr. Vexx generally despises yard work and it doesn't agree with his back, so the assistance is welcomed with much enthusiasm. After I rototill this weekend, I'll try and post pictures. It ain't pretty, by any means. What almost passed as our lawn was really 20 years of neglect and weeds, I had to kill all of it. The horizon is the back of 2 decrepit houses. For reasons I don't care to ponder, an old man pushed a very rusty shopping cart with a terrifying stuffed monkey, a gnarled hub cap and who knows what else in the driveway facing ours. I don't know if it's his house, but whoever lives there doesn't seem to mind because it's been there for a month. The image of him shuffling down the alley, with a look of distinct purpose and accomplishment as he parked his cart still haunts me. This blog entry has been viewed 632 times
Magical Neighbors
Category: Garden in the Ghetto | Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:24 pm Incredible amounts of updates for the last month and a half. It's been so busy that I'm left yearning for my usual time with the Stew. For starters; my Dad has the most amazing next door neighbor. Clem (Chowder to his employees, family and friends) is a giant Russian landscaper and future mythical creature of Oregon folklore. My Dad gave him a deal on a sewing machine cabinet for his wife, Marfa, maybe 7 years ago. Ever since he's given our family random gestures of radness ranging from Alaskan smoked Salmon "I get this from my Brothers, there is too much" Homemade salsa "Marfa tell me to bring this to you" Help loading music equipment "Where is your husband? Where is your father!? You are too little to carry this" And everything in between. Last week he noticed Dad and I struggling to get the new garden situated after the paver stones were installed (pictures soon!). On Wednesday we had 5 yards of soil delivered and were trying to get it in by nightfall. Clem helped cart it to the back yard (that man does wonders with a shovel), let us borrow a suitable wheelbarrow, rototilled what was left of the netted sod, had his son edge the front lawn, etc. During all this he offered us part of his new vegetable garden. I'm not shocked that the sweet elderly couple that moved from the large property behind us (developers had been pressuring them to sell for decades) gave him full permission to do what he wanted with the yard that will eventually become a 7 lot cul-de-sac. By Thursday afternoon Clem had tilled 4 new rows for us "You don't want fence blocking all the sun for your tomato, grow them here. It will make them bigger." All week I'd be raking the new dirt and planting what I could and he'd pop his head over the fence "It look good in there, but you'd better start planting vegetables here! Chop-chop" followed by a hearty laugh. This blog entry has been viewed 861 times
Whirlwindish updates, breathless explanations, stones.
Category: Garden in the Ghetto | Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:06 am Ever since I got back from Seattle it's been absolute madness with freakish amounts of dialing-in, as we like to call it. Had a great show in town this weekend, but getting a drummer proved quite... well it was a mess, but I pulled it together somehow. It worked out for the best in a lot of ways. Busy season is upon us and after a winter of little-to-do, my sword of responsibility is heavier and more difficult to wield. Rock and Roll music, in its own right, is a full-body sport. It'd be one thing just to play and get paid, but there's this whole networking/b.s. radar/dealing-with-people-you'd-rather-not part they don't teach you ANYWHERE. Did you know that almost everyone in the biz is a complete and utter flake? But it's all educational and fun if you look at it from the right perspective. Now that I got that out *sigh*.... Most of the new plants remain unplanted. I know I'll be able to juggle effectively once I get a little more acclimated, which is exactly what I was trying to say in the rant above but it didn't work out that way. Speaking of, we've had a bout of amazing weather! It 's 76F right now and not a single cloud. I have been able to dig a garden bed over the last 10 days or so, in hour-long increments between here and where ever. Tomorrow the stone guy is coming over to give us an estimate on a patio area and some cool paths. I'm going to call him the stone guy from now on, because it reminds me of the trolls from the Hobbit. The fungicide seems to be working on what's left of the wee tomatoes and basil. I started more seeds last week, just in case, although I doubt Toms'd be ready in time. The Nasturtiums and Morning Glories are getting huge despite the kitty having knocked them over TWICE. I gotta hit the gym now, so my update must come to an end. I'll try and catch up with y'all soon. This blog entry has been viewed 625 times
Hammer of Thor!
Category: Garden in the Ghetto | Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:51 am I may be entitled to a gold star for my efforts on Saturday. I'm going to let you in on a little secret right now: I am the biggest procrastinator in the world when it comes to at-home projects. I truly intend on completing said tasks every weekend... from the very bottom of my heart. There's just one small problem: I always try completing every chore on my list, and a few I picked up along the way, simultaneously. With a mind like mine you can't possibly retrieve something from the closet without realizing the closet could use a bit of tidying up while you're at it. Next thing you know you've got a toothbrush in your hand, the devil in your eye and you're scrubbing every inch of caulking the house has to offer. You have no idea when things got so out of control! HOWEVER I believe I've solved this particular conundrum in an immensely effective way: never sleep more than 4 hours when you've got the list, checked it twice and know you've got the drive, man! *By you, I mean me* It comes down to the simple scientific fact that you're brain goes slower when you don't sleep. For Lexxi Vexx's this is probably the only time where focus is a possibility. --------------------------- The List: 4/12/08 Make bonemeal Faerie garden Start Nasturtiums & Morning Glories Baking Soda bath for Rosemary (powdery mildew) Soap spray for all Sweep driveway Laundry Dishes --------------------------- The small children within a 2-block radius are most definately convinced that the chick with perpetually changing haircolors & the nose rings is an insane person and I can't say I blame em'. What would you think if you saw someone hunched over a bunch of seashells in her driveway, methodically pounding them with a ball pein hammer and wearing SKULL BOOTS?! I can only hope that it inspires exaggerated eerie stories that each and every kid should have about at least one neighbor. I will say I was so zombie-brained that the thought of sunscreen never occurred to me in the 6+ hours I spent with my back to the FREAKING SUN! Subsequent aloe vera usage was required, but I took care of business, business is good and, as George Thorogood once said, I just love good business. My apologies for crappy camera phone pictures. The little path/lawn dealy in the middle is corsican mint. There's chives, lemon Thyme, Sage, English Thyme, a lonely pansy I rescued from slugs and eventually the ARP Rosemary that needed the bath for a powdery mildew problem (it's already improving). Hopefully everyone is happy there and the fae folk dig their hut and cafe'. I've got Critterpainter to thank for the seashells idea last year when I asked about a cruelty-free substitute for bone meal and Joann for having such an enviable faerie garden that I had to try my hand at it. This blog entry has been viewed 798 times
Tub Thieves!
Category: Garden in the Ghetto | Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:49 pm It would have been one thing if my seemingly friendly, albeit trashy, ex-neighbors assumed that I wasn't coming back for my garden containers. But they had seen me, even spoke to me in the weeks prior to Robbie's move from the Vancouver house. Saw me with their own filthy eyes. It was the last day of cleaning/loading. I went out to dump the bins and hose em' off, but they were missing. I asked Rob if he'd taken care of it before he broke his leg (skateboarding accident a week earlier). "No babe. Sorry, I didn't get a chance. Maybe Steve moved em' to the side of the house to mow the lawn?" I went to investigate, but realized the big red tubs had been directly behind me in the neighbor's yard. Violent expletives and flailing ensued. I stomped over there to drag em' back. Then I saw the tin, the only nice container I had, displayed brazenly on their porch. I made an audible gasp of disgust and shouted "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! YOU DON'T EVEN GARDEN!!". The soil in the red tubs was so water-logged that I couldn't even move them. Unfortunately I'd dumped the tin months prior, because it was my full intent to pour the soil on their lawn furniture and barbeque. I was MAAAAAD. Madder than a hornets nest. The funny thing is: I was too embarrassed for them to ask if they would kindly move the stolen items back into my yard. It's okay, they have to live with knowing that I know. They stole two 3 dollar plastic tubs; cracked, sun-damaged and uglier than sin. What kind of an animal would do something so stupid? Last edited: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:39 am This blog entry has been viewed 671 times
Back with a Vengeance
Category: Garden in the Ghetto | Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:46 am "Lexxi, you got some splainin to do!" Yes, I know. Shame on me! I miss you all. The long and short of it is; my nomadic lifestyle left me with a severe lack of yard and constant internet connection. After having narrowed things down to Rob's new house and the Family compound (couch surfing should be left to the professionals only), I still faced an ever-increasing, sometimes heart-wrenching garden lust that my portable rosemary and thyme just couldn't cure. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year is rapidly approaching in the Pacific Northwest. Wild fantasies of rare heirloom tomatoes, multi-colored carrots and jungles of delicious basil began to occupy my thoughts and dreams. It usually starts with the Daffodils. As soon as I catch a glimpse of those arrogant little devils shooting up in late February it drives me to an absolute frenzy. They're my favorite flower of all time, mostly because they frustrate me to no end! How dare they show their proud, beautiful, YELLOW faces at a time like this?!? The nerve. The Willamette Valley's spring is more of an extension of a winter that started in October. Oh, sure there's camellias, 'dils and cherry blossoms... but it's hard to enjoy them when it's still 48F and raining IN MAY! Tangent alert. Seriously, Daffodils do that to me. Okay, so the point is: I did stuff today. I was on my way from babysitting my friend's spawn and fully intended on going straight to The Fort (see: my Dad's garage) and starting the seeds I'd purchased over the weekend. Next thing I knew I was walking out of Keizer Nursery with new lemon thyme and sage plants in tow. However I DID complete my assigned task for the day: giving peat pellets a whirl. I've got a pictorial to post later, but as your legal advisor I strongly suggest purchasing a grip! They're like 10 cents and oh-so-convenient. So the plan this year is actually a double garden. Glass half-full! It sometimes pays to have semi-permanent living situation. See, my folks love the idea of pretty flowers and tasty veggies, but haven't the time to toil in the dirt. Robbie's roommates are starting their first veggie garden and requested my help/advice in exchange for plenty of my own growing space. The legend prevails! Garden in the ghetto is back in the saddle! This blog entry has been viewed 662 times
Moving Madness
Category: Life as a Vexx | Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:51 pm After months of back-and-forth between here and Salem and zero savings accumulated toward the initial plan of moving in February, Robbie and I decided it was time for a serious, adult conversation (you have NO IDEA how hard that is for me) about a solution. The conclusion was; the only thing I ever find the time to do here is garden, I've been homesick forever, and I hate *almost* everything about being here (Rob and cats excluded, of course). The plan being: move down ASAP, get a job, save money and get a place all ready for Robbie when the lease is done in Feb. Kind of a reverse from the move here. I had to do what every twenty-something dreads and ask the folks if my old room was available for VERY temporary usage. They have shown a frightening abundance of enthusiasm. Momma's ready to paint the room "whatever color you want and matching drapes!". Dad's so excited to have his "little Robert Plant" back for band practice at moment's notice. I love those people, but can you see how I turned out so odd? I can't believe how much labor, love, frustration, paranoia, obsession, grass seed and FREAKIN' ROCK HAULING went into a backyard I'd only enjoy for a few months. Ohhhoho, believe you me; I'm taking the Thyme, Rosemary and favorite stones. I pity the fool that tries to stop me. This blog entry has been viewed 778 times
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