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Before and After Mania- Pictures
Posted: 07 Aug 2009 Posted: 12 May 2009 Posted: 17 Apr 2009 Posted: 15 Apr 2009 Posted: 16 Jun 2008 All Entries |
Hammer of Thor!I may be entitled to a gold star for my efforts on Saturday. I'm going to let you in on a little secret right now: I am the biggest procrastinator in the world when it comes to at-home projects. I truly intend on completing said tasks every weekend... from the very bottom of my heart. There's just one small problem: I always try completing every chore on my list, and a few I picked up along the way, simultaneously. With a mind like mine you can't possibly retrieve something from the closet without realizing the closet could use a bit of tidying up while you're at it. Next thing you know you've got a toothbrush in your hand, the devil in your eye and you're scrubbing every inch of caulking the house has to offer. You have no idea when things got so out of control! HOWEVER I believe I've solved this particular conundrum in an immensely effective way: never sleep more than 4 hours when you've got the list, checked it twice and know you've got the drive, man! *By you, I mean me* It comes down to the simple scientific fact that you're brain goes slower when you don't sleep. For Lexxi Vexx's this is probably the only time where focus is a possibility. --------------------------- The List: 4/12/08 Make bonemeal Faerie garden Start Nasturtiums & Morning Glories Baking Soda bath for Rosemary (powdery mildew) Soap spray for all Sweep driveway Laundry Dishes --------------------------- The small children within a 2-block radius are most definately convinced that the chick with perpetually changing haircolors & the nose rings is an insane person and I can't say I blame em'. What would you think if you saw someone hunched over a bunch of seashells in her driveway, methodically pounding them with a ball pein hammer and wearing SKULL BOOTS?! I can only hope that it inspires exaggerated eerie stories that each and every kid should have about at least one neighbor. I will say I was so zombie-brained that the thought of sunscreen never occurred to me in the 6+ hours I spent with my back to the FREAKING SUN! Subsequent aloe vera usage was required, but I took care of business, business is good and, as George Thorogood once said, I just love good business. My apologies for crappy camera phone pictures. The little path/lawn dealy in the middle is corsican mint. There's chives, lemon Thyme, Sage, English Thyme, a lonely pansy I rescued from slugs and eventually the ARP Rosemary that needed the bath for a powdery mildew problem (it's already improving). Hopefully everyone is happy there and the fae folk dig their hut and cafe'. I've got Critterpainter to thank for the seashells idea last year when I asked about a cruelty-free substitute for bone meal and Joann for having such an enviable faerie garden that I had to try my hand at it. This blog entry has been viewed 798 times
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I don't care if you scared children in the process. The result is lovely and definately worth it! I like your use of corsican mint. It's one of my favourites, but it's very borderline here. Hope your sun burn is better.
I read this and just kept *nodding* along with you here. Don't you just love it when you start something and notice something else needs done. Before you know it everything around you looks great but what you started out to do in the first place,,,lol,, thats me.
It's good to see that your list has all the most important things on it first. LOL Who wants to tackle laundry and dishes when the great outdoors beckons? Depriving yourself of sleep really seems to be working Lexxi 'cause I love what you've done in the garden. I hope the sunburn isn't too painful and that you manage to catch up on some ZZZZ's when the list is all ticked off.
I seem to be the same way when working on my list's too Lexxi!
What a perfect little garden! Just a tip, if you go to a feed store you can get already-crushed oyster shells (to add to chicken feed to the gals don't deplete their own calcium supply). But that would be depriving the neighborhood of what will undoubtably be a story of legend.
Critterpainter: My sister's fiance works at a feed store and offered to bring me some shells (he delivers my soil, etc. because he's just that sweet), but I told him I had a hankerin' for hitting stuff with a hammer. He gave solemn nod and said something about my twin needing a similar outlet since he's usually the one taking an emotional beating. :) Login or register to leave a comment. |
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