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2008 Seeds Sown

Category: February Gardening | Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:23 pm

Back on the 11th (Feb.) I sowed some seeds, then today the mood hit me again to sow some more in the greenhouse. All so far are either from gardeners sharing there bounty, so thanks in advance to those I've traded with. Or some I had bought here an there an collected/saved myself an participated in round robins. Heres what I've sown so far:

Purple Millet Grass
Short Mixed Marigolds
Pacific Giants Delphinium
Hungarian Paprika Peppers
Black Pearl Hot Peppers
Sweet Banana Peppers
Roman Chamomile
Heal All
Toothache Plant
Super Beefsteak Tomato-sown 2/11
Beefmaster, hybrid-sown 2/11
Dr. Carolyn Cherry-sown 2/11
Green Giant=sown 2/11
Mortgage Lifter-sown 2/11
Red Brandywine-sown 2/11
Rosa Bianca Eggplant-sown 2/11
Thai Green Eggplant-sown 2/11 (frost may have gotten these b4 matured)
Romanesco Broccoli-sown 2/11
Chinese Chives (onion)
Tai Jio Garlic Chives
American Flag Leeks
Flat Dutch Cabbage-germinated by the 17th, sown 2/11
Arugula-germinated by the 17th, sown 2/11

When I got to the greenhouse mid morning it was 80*, I cut the heat back so I could stand to be in there for a bit, plus didn't need it on today. I had to spray for ants to so I'm blogging while the smell gets gone. An to eat lunch. Fixin to get back to seeding, will update what else I get sown in a bit. Besides I'd like to keep my list all in one blog if possible. Its way to nice outside to be inside doing anything.


Although all these seeds sounds like a lot they really aren't. I'm only seeding out what I think I can plant in my gardens, then if I have some things left over I will give away to neighbors, friends an such. I just can't see buying seedlings when I can seed out what I want with more choices cheaper, Well cheaper is debatable, lol.

Neem Tree-may not grow here
Spaghetti Squash
Zucchetta Rampicante Tromboncino
Bennings Green Tint Squash
Early White Bush Scallop
Blue Hibbard
Early Prolific Straightneck
Goldentender Yellow Squash
6 colors of columbines
??Frit. Lanceocata (don't know this one)
Mixed Foxgloves
Yellow Tansy
Nigra Hollyhocks
Love in a Puff
Yamoto Cucumbers (Questionable seed viability)
Painted Lady Beans
Chartentais Melon
Exotic Melon Mix: Super Dew Hybrid, Chartenais, Early Silverline, Spanish Moon
Giant Belguim tomato
Black Krim
Black Pear
Hendersons Pink
Abe Lincoln
Striped Cavern
Campbells 1327
Big Rainbow
Watermelon Beefsteak
Porterhouse Hybrid
Giant Delicious
Narajilla Garden Berry

Well thats it for now, still have a few more mators I want to grow again this season. Just have to find them.

Last edited: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:22 pm

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Droopy wrote on Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:38 pm:

Congratulations on your sowing, you are a lucky girl! I've also got the roman chamomile, I keep it like a pet, to stroke and smell when I'm weeding. Looks like you're making a pharmacopoeia too.


Biita wrote on Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:01 pm:

Holy smokes, and all i can do is pet my seed packs for a From the looks there is going to be an awesome harvest come summer an fall, and one heck of a beautiful garden. Good luck an Congrats on the work well done!

trudy wrote on Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:46 pm:

Thanks yawl. I just couldn't resist getting going on them. They should be ready just in time for our last frost. I will also be direct sewing Kentucky Wonder bush beans, climbing butterbeans, an noodle beans.....somewhere.


glendann wrote on Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:29 am:

It sounds like you have really been busy.I need to start getting mine started.I have a few not many.What is a Noodle Bean trudy?

sharon mc wrote on Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:29 am:

That's a helluva list; hoping it all comes to fruition with you!

flowerpower313 wrote on Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:46 pm:

??Frit. Lanceocata (don't know this one)is probably Fritillaria Lanceolata

trudy wrote on Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:40 pm:

Thanks Flowerpower, thats probably it.
Glendann here ya go:


Kratz7 wrote on Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:09 pm:

Wow! Trudy,

I planted one seed tray so far....... I have it up under our waterbed...they germinate faster with the heat and darkness. I just went through my other seeds (from swaps) I have a bunch to try this Spring.....

Hubby helped me organize them alphabetically both on the computer and in the if it would warm up a little bit.


trudy wrote on Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:17 am:

What a nice hubby you have. I went out this morning to check on the 2 that had germinated an found that the broccoli had also sprouted overnight. You'll get there b4 you know it.

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