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Time Flies & Gardens Grow
Posted: 04 Jun 2006 Posted: 20 May 2006 Posted: 16 May 2006 Posted: 15 May 2006 Posted: 14 May 2006 All Entries |
switching to a 4 horse mowerI talked to the woman who boards her horses here on my property, she is willing to move the fencing, and take over the "mowing" of at least a third of the lawn. I can't think of how to fence in the other areas for the horses....... or I'd give over more to them to "mow". Will cut down my gas bill as well as the time to mow. Less to edge too....... I'll be left with plenty of lawn, and still have 7 garden beds that are already in place and the fenced veggie garden. I will have to move 4 tiny trees and a handful of things that are hoping to be shrubs someday in the distant future. I did get the yard mowed today, although not a fantastic job. I'll admit, it isn't much fun mowing something that doesn't look much better when you get finished than it did when you started. Depressing. The whole thing will look better with horses grazing in it. No need to water, as it rained this morning and all day yesterday. Made a mental list of the things I need to purchase this week to get a proper veggie garden in. Got my call from my friend with the tiller.........he can fit me in next week. Perfect. That means I can have most of everything in the ground by Memorial Day. Would have liked some things earlier, but I'm not in control of much, so will work with what I'm given. The cats knocked over the bird bath again....this time, when I pick it up, I pledge to move it to a more appropriate spot. One more rhodie has begun to show color, this one is a dark purple. Looks nice next to the cream one in full bloom. A couple more to go........hping to et some pink ones pretty soon. A few more seeds are up in my indoor nursery here. I'm down to just planting them and have no idea what they are. I ordered seeds online, and didn't make any notes. When they arrived, they are in foil pouches with abreviations galore. No idea what most of them are!!! Should be fun. Good thing I had no master plan set in concrete. The gardens will definately be pot luck! This blog entry has been viewed 472 times
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Sounds like fun! Mystery gardens. I have lots of plants. Instead of half the stuff coming up most of it did. Where am I going to put 10 cantaloupe plants. Not in the garden with squash and cucumbers. It would taste yucky! Dooley
Those horses will sure come in handy contrareeone. You don't even have to reward them. It's a win-win situation :) Login or register to leave a comment. |
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