chores piling up here
daily chores | Posted:
Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:57 pm
As I worked yesterday, getting all but 3 plants in the ground here..........I was mentally adding chores to the TO DO list as I went along. Good thing I don't get stressed out by too much to do.
Everywhere I looked, there was a job to do outside. Todays list will be just a couple things as I need to move back inside & cook something, or the natives will get restless.
I've finally found the bag of grass seed, so I'm going to get it out on all the spots where we've been adding soil (some were big enough to lose the mower in) We're supposed to get a sprinkle of rain this evening, so it seems like the perfect day for this.
I will get the 3 remaining plants from my moms yard, somewhere. Things aren't in the right spots here, but they will be in the ground, I can transplant as I get more beds ready to go.
I will call to set up the tiller/grader friend, so I can get the veggie plot ready to go. I'm getting anxious.
And, I'll start some more seeds indoors. I'm pleased with my feeble attempts at this, so will continue as I've been doing.
Better finish up the coffee & get to work. I hope others are enjoying a bit of spring.
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