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Today's findings....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:22 pm

we have officially had a heat wave. This is the 3rd day in a row that it hit over 90 degrees. That is very uncommon for this time of year and this area. They say one more day of the heat and then back into the 70's. Hopefully some rain will come tomorrow. Not a drop with all this humidity.

After a long day we walked and watered the garden. All this heat has produced zucchini, pumpkin and sunflower seedlings. everything seems to be doing well. I have a couple peppers that were in the hot house that appeared to have gotten too hot. So looks like I will have to purchase a couple more pepper plants to make up for the ones that have died. All in all it is looking good and this weekend the rest of the tomato plants will get planted. The beans and the peas have really sprouted up and the accidental sunflowers that i transplanted on Saturday have recovered from the shock of being moved and look nice.

I will take some pictures tomorrow when I am not so tired. There are more iris blooms and morning glories are doing well.

Hope everyone has had a nice day.

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dooley wrote on Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:57 pm:

I know about doing so much work that you are too tired to walk back outside with the camera. And you walk, too and work. That's a huge accomplishment. dooley


eileen wrote on Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:53 am:

I hope you get the rain you want soon to help your plants continue to thrive. Sleep well tonight because you deserve it after all that hard work.


Droopy wrote on Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:58 am:

You can have some hours of our rain if I can have some of your heat! It's down to 10 deg C/50 deg F now, and it's pouring for the third day running.


gardengater wrote on Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:54 pm:

I can't believe 90's in Vermont. We are equally hot here in NC> I have a good start on tomatoes, cukes, green beans, squash, and canteloupes. My first real veggie garden. I love picking my own produce, don't you? How is your helper doing in this heat?



gardenmama wrote on Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:11 am:

My son does not deal well with the heat. He wants to stay in or in the shade. We have been doing very little outside so that we don't get ill from the heat. We had 4 days straight of near 90 and humid. We broke 100 year old heat records for June. It is supposed to start being cooler on Wednesday.

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